
Johan Venter

Director at Xpressdox

Johan Venter Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Johan Venter Work Experience Summary

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About Johan Venter

Johan Venter is a Director at Xpressdox based in Randburg. Previously, Johan was a Chief Information Officer at VVM Attorneys.Explore more

Johan Venter Current Workplace


2008-present (17 years)

XpressDox takes document assembly to a new level. Not only is it one of the most powerful document assembly systems on the market, it is also one of the most versatile. With XpressDox, users author templates in Microsoft® Word for use in a wide variety of deployments, from stand-alone documents to multi-template systems, which run on the desktop, over the network, or securely via a browser from anywhere in the world. This means that firms don't need to deploy any software for template users, which makes installation and administration simpler and less costly. XpressDox even allows templates to be launched from a hyperlink on an organization's web site, allowing customers or prospects to fill in their own forms.

Johan Venter Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Executive Officer

Coleso Legal Technologies (Pty) Ltd.


Chief Information Officer

VVM Attorneys


Managing Director



Org Chart - Xpressdox






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Johan Venter

What company does Johan Venter work for?
Johan Venter works for Xpressdox as Director
What is Johan Venter’s role in Xpressdox?
Johan Venter’s role in Xpressdox is Director
What is Johan Venter’s email address?
Johan Venter’s email address is j***@xpressdox.com
What is Johan Venter’s business email address?
Johan Venter’s business email address is j***@xpressdox.com
What is Johan Venter’s direct phone number?
Johan Venter’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Johan Venter’s work phone number?
Johan Venter’s headquarters phone number is +27 215105008
What is Johan Venter’s latest job experience?
Johan Venter’s latest job experience is Chief Executive Officer at Coleso Legal Technologies (Pty) Ltd.
Which industry does Johan Venter work in?
Johan Venter works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Johan Venter’s peers at other companies?
Johan Venter’s peers at other companies are Paul Day, Patrick Hoffman, Gennaro Vitale, Brett Goldstein, Jake Moser.
Who are Johan Venter’s colleagues?
Some of Johan Venter’s colleagues are Ruan van Niekerk, Digby Vickers, Peter Tuffin, Nick Prince.
How can I contact Johan Venter?
Johan Venter contact details: Email address: j***@xpressdox.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Johan Venter?

Johan Venter is a Director at Xpressdox based in Randburg. Previously, Johan was a Chief Information Officer at VVM Attorneys.... Read More

Where is Johan Venter based?
Johan Venter works for Xpressdox, located at South Africa
See more information about Johan Venter

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