
Joel Van Gelder

Scientific Manager at Tarom Innovative Technologies

Joel Van Gelder Email & Phone number

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+972 **-***-****

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Joel Van Gelder Work Experience Summary

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About Joel Van Gelder

joelv@tarominnovative.com Experience of more than 20 years in the biopharmaceutical industry in research and development programs of small molecules and biologicals in various indications. Served as Chief Scientist of InSight Biopharmaceuticals, Associate Director of Chemistry at Aposense and Head of Chemical R&D at Gamida Cell. Dr. Van Gelder holds a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the School of Pharmacy of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.Explore more

Joel Van Gelder Current Workplace

Tarom Innovative Technologies

2017-present (8 years)

Tarom Innovative seeks, invests in and manage high added-value technologies, products and inventions in a wide spectrum of healthcare-related fields, including new chemical entities, novel biologics, diagnostics and medical devices. We are mainly interested in cutting edge early-stage projects that show promise in relevant models or biological assays. Our investment policy is based on the invention uniqueness, market potential, competitiveness, and whether it answers an unmet need or adds significant value over existing similar products and technologies. We strongly value good chemistry with the inventors and researchers and appreciate the level of science demonstrating the invention's feasibility. We build start-up companies around the selected projects and provide funds, management, product development at the pre-clinical and clinical phases, networking and business development. By that, we aim to establish a strong foundation for each of our daughter companies, making these highly aSee more

Joel Van Gelder Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Number of job titles



Ph. D.

School of Pharmacy of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Org Chart - Tarom Innovative Technologies


Scientific Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Joel Van Gelder

What company does Joel Van Gelder work for?
Joel Van Gelder works for Tarom Innovative Technologies as Scientific Manager
What is Joel Van Gelder’s role in Tarom Innovative Technologies?
Joel Van Gelder’s role in Tarom Innovative Technologies is Scientific Manager
What is Joel Van Gelder’s email address?
Joel Van Gelder’s email address is j***@tarominnovative.com
What is Joel Van Gelder’s business email address?
Joel Van Gelder’s business email address is j***@tarominnovative.com
What is Joel Van Gelder’s direct phone number?
Joel Van Gelder’s direct phone number is +972 **-***-****
What is Joel Van Gelder’s work phone number?
Joel Van Gelder’s headquarters phone number is +972 39214145
What is Joel Van Gelder’s latest education?
Joel Van Gelder’s latest education in Ph. D. at School of Pharmacy of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Which industry does Joel Van Gelder work in?
Joel Van Gelder works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Joel Van Gelder’s peers at other companies?
Joel Van Gelder’s peers at other companies are Dastagirireddy Bhuma, Naga Suresh Busim, Shamik Mitra, Suvratha Murthy, Pratyajit Mohapatra.
How can I contact Joel Van Gelder?
Joel Van Gelder contact details: Email address: j***@tarominnovative.com Phone number: +972 **-***-****
Who is Joel Van Gelder?

joelv@tarominnovative.com Experience of more than 20 years in the biopharmaceutical industry in research and development programs of small molecules and biologicals in various indications. Served as Chief Scientist of InSight Biopharmaceuticals, Associate Director of Chemistry at Aposense and Head of Chemical R&D at Gamida Cell. Dr. Van Gelder hold... s a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the School of Pharmacy of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.Read More

Where is Joel Van Gelder based?
Joel Van Gelder works for Tarom Innovative Technologies, located at Israel
See more information about Joel Van Gelder

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