Joel Fremstad

Attorney at Fremstad Law

Joel Fremstad Email & Phone number

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(701) ***-****

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About Joel Fremstad

Joel Fremstad is an Attorney at Fremstad Law based in Fargo, North Dakota.Explore more

Joel Fremstad Current Workplace

Fremstad Law

2010-present (15 years)

At Fremstad Law, our mission is to move our clients forward. To do this, we're transforming the client experience. This unique approach is based on our core values and helps us to ensure your needs are being met. Fremstad Law began out of a frustration with traditional legal practice and, believe it or not, often unreasonable or unrealistic client expectations. uch of law practice is reactionary. The client comes in after the contract is breached, after the divorce is imminent, after accusations of wrong doing or after the law suit has been started and expects the lawyer to fix it. That's how it works on TV isn't it?The truth is, sometimes we can't fix it or win it. hen law practice is reactionary it almost always becomes very expensive and all consuming for the client. We often tell clients that sometimes even if you "win," you aren't going to like it, or us. As such, we want to think differently.First, as our mission states, our goal is to move you forward. This may mean settling a cSee more

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    In addition, attorney Nick Thornton received the honor of Great Plains Rising Star in Criminal Defense and Joel Fremstad , owner and principal of Frem...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Joel Fremstad

What company does Joel Fremstad work for?
Joel Fremstad works for Fremstad Law as Attorney
What is Joel Fremstad’s role in Fremstad Law?
Joel Fremstad’s role in Fremstad Law is Attorney
What is Joel Fremstad’s direct phone number?
Joel Fremstad’s direct phone number is (701) ***-****
What is Joel Fremstad’s work phone number?
Joel Fremstad’s headquarters phone number is (701) 478-7620
Which industry does Joel Fremstad work in?
Joel Fremstad works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Joel Fremstad’s peers at other companies?
Joel Fremstad’s peers at other companies are David Morantz, Chamoya Cameron, Marc Isaacson, Camille Guerra, Patricia Kryder.
Who are Joel Fremstad’s colleagues?
Some of Joel Fremstad’s colleagues are James Teigland, Amber Cleveland, Mark Western, Michelle Anderson.
Who is Joel Fremstad?

Joel Fremstad is an Attorney at Fremstad Law based in Fargo, North Dakota.... Read More

Where is Joel Fremstad based?
Joel Fremstad works for Fremstad Law, located at United States
See more information about Joel Fremstad

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