
Joe Lopez

Director, Sales at AtScale

Joe Lopez Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Joe Lopez Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Joe Lopez Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Joe Lopez

Joe Lopez is a Director, Sales at AtScale based in Boston, Massachusetts. Previously, Joe was a Sales at Neo4J and also held positions at DataScience.com, Bright Funnel, Qubit, Tableau, SAP, Oracle, Webex, Copy Imaging. Joe received a BA degree from California State University , Hayward.

Joe Lopez Current Workplace


2024-present (3 months)

AtScale to provides a single, secured, and governed workspace for distributed data. The combination of the companys Cloud OLAP Engine, Autonomous Data Engineering, and Universal Semantic Layer powers business intelligence and machine learning, resulting in faster, more accurate business decisions at scale.

Joe Lopez Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience




Director, Sales



Enterprise Sales Manager

Bright Funnel


Regional VP





BA - Communications

California State University , Hayward
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Volunteer Firefighter

King's Mt Fire Brigade - Company 56


Org Chart - AtScale

Joe Lopez

Director, Sales

Recent News About Joe Lopez

Web References
Web References
  • news feed 1

    Joseph G. Lopez , Parliamentarian Territory Account Manager, Tableau Software Joe is a successful sales and marketing account manager. He recently...
  • news feed 2

    Joseph G. Lopez Territory Account Manager, Tableau Software Joe is a successful sales and marketing account manager. He recently joined Tableau So...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Joe Lopez

What company does Joe Lopez work for?
Joe Lopez works for AtScale as Director, Sales
What is Joe Lopez’s role in AtScale?
Joe Lopez’s role in AtScale is Director, Sales
What is Joe Lopez’s email address?
Joe Lopez’s email address is j***@atscale.com
What is Joe Lopez’s business email address?
Joe Lopez’s business email address is j***@atscale.com
What is Joe Lopez’s direct phone number?
Joe Lopez’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Joe Lopez’s work phone number?
Joe Lopez’s headquarters phone number is (617) 986-5025
What is Joe Lopez’s latest job experience?
Joe Lopez’s latest job experience is Sales at Neo4J
What is Joe Lopez’s latest education?
Joe Lopez’s latest education in BA - Communications at California State University , Hayward
Which industry does Joe Lopez work in?
Joe Lopez works in the industry of Business Intelligence (BI) Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Joe Lopez’s peers at other companies?
Joe Lopez’s peers at other companies are Bob Tenace, Nicholas Jerolimov, Frederic Roie, Pamela Barros, Robert Hughes.
Who are Joe Lopez’s colleagues?
Some of Joe Lopez’s colleagues are Michael Carey, Clement Avignon, Peter Miller, Dianne Wood.
How can I contact Joe Lopez?
Joe Lopez contact details: Email address: j***@atscale.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Joe Lopez?

Joe Lopez is a Director, Sales at AtScale based in Boston, Massachusetts. Previously, Joe was a Sales at Neo4J and also held positions at DataScience.com, Bright Funnel, Qubit, Tableau, SAP, Oracle, Webex, Copy Imaging. Joe received a BA degree from California State University , Hayward....

Where is Joe Lopez based?
Joe Lopez works for AtScale, located at United States