2024-present (3 months)
Joe Lopez Email & Phone number
Joe Lopez Current Workplace
711 Atlantic Ave Ste 4100, Boston, Massachusetts, 02111, United States
Phone Number
(617) 986-5025
Number of Employees
Joe Lopez Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
10Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
9About Joe Lopez
Joe Lopez is a Director, Sales at AtScale based in Boston, Massachusetts.
Previously, Joe was a Sales at Neo4J and also held positions at DataScience.com, Bright Funnel, Qubit, Tableau, SAP, Oracle, Webex, Copy Imaging.
Joe received a BA degree from California State University , Hayward.
Joe Lopez Current Workplace
AtScale to provides a single, secured, and governed workspace for distributed data. The combination of the companys Cloud OLAP Engine, Autonomous Data Engineering, and Universal Semantic Layer powers business intelligence and machine learning, resulting in faster, more accurate business decisions at scale.
Joe Lopez Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Joe Lopez
Joe Lopez is a Director, Sales at AtScale based in Boston, Massachusetts. Previously, Joe was a Sales at Neo4J and also held positions at DataScience.com, Bright Funnel, Qubit, Tableau, SAP, Oracle, Webex, Copy Imaging. Joe received a BA degree from California State University , Hayward....