
Jodie Norwell

Principal at Canning Vale Education Support Centre

Jodie Norwell Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Jodie Norwell Current Workplace


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Jodie Norwell Work Experience Summary

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About Jodie Norwell

Jodie Norwell is the Principal at Canning Vale Education Support Centre. She is responsible for overseeing the operations and management of the educational institution. Prior to her current role, Norwell served as the Principal at Gwynne Park Education Support Centre. She holds a Bachelor of Education degree from Edith Cowan University, which has equipped her with the necessary expertise to lead and guide her team in providing high-quality educational support to the community.Explore more

Jodie Norwell Current Workplace

It opened in 1997 and is situated on a shared campus with the Canning Vale Primary School, located south east of Perth in the metropolitan area. Canning Vale Education Support Centre believes that our students should all be supported to learn essential independent living skills, social skills and effective communication, to become happy, resilient and productive members of society. We pride ourselves on the programs we offer, (including the Autism Early Intervention Program) to enable students to develop independence. Canning Vale Education Support Centre's vision is to nurture and develop each child ; to cultivate a child who will become resilient, independent and able to confidently participate in modern society. To foster and achieve this, we work closely with children and their families to provide a safe, dynamic learning environment, utilising all technologies and innovative programs in the field of special education. Enrolments

Jodie Norwell Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Autism & Special Education Needs Coordinator

Canning Vale College




Bachelor of Education - BEd, Primary

Edith Cowan University

Master of School Leadership

The University of Western Australia

Org Chart - Canning Vale Education Support Centre






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jodie Norwell

What company does Jodie Norwell work for?
Jodie Norwell works for Canning Vale Education Support Centre as Principal
What is Jodie Norwell’s role in Canning Vale Education Support Centre?
Jodie Norwell’s role in Canning Vale Education Support Centre is Principal
What is Jodie Norwell’s email address?
Jodie Norwell’s email address is j***@education.wa.edu.au
What is Jodie Norwell’s business email address?
Jodie Norwell’s business email address is j***@education.wa.edu.au
What is Jodie Norwell’s direct phone number?
Jodie Norwell’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jodie Norwell’s work phone number?
Jodie Norwell’s headquarters phone number is +61 894276030
What is Jodie Norwell’s latest job experience?
Jodie Norwell’s latest job experience is Principal at Gwynne Park Education Support Centre
What is Jodie Norwell’s latest education?
Jodie Norwell’s latest education in Bachelor of Education - BEd, Primary at Edith Cowan University
Which industry does Jodie Norwell work in?
Jodie Norwell works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Jodie Norwell’s peers at other companies?
Jodie Norwell’s peers at other companies are Stefanie Page, Gloria Cheng, Lisa Wheeler, Dwayne Tournier, Laura Draper.
Who are Jodie Norwell’s colleagues?
Some of Jodie Norwell’s colleagues are Ambiga Sandrakasan, Jemima Eckersley, Michelle Briggs, Natasha Lucanus.
How can I contact Jodie Norwell?
Jodie Norwell contact details: Email address: j***@education.wa.edu.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jodie Norwell?

Jodie Norwell is the Principal at Canning Vale Education Support Centre. She is responsible for overseeing the operations and management of the educational institution. Prior to her current role, Norwell served as the Principal at Gwynne Park Education Support Centre. She holds a Bachelor of Education degree from Edith Cowan University, which has e... quipped her with the necessary expertise to lead and guide her team in providing high-quality educational support to the community.Read More

Where is Jodie Norwell based?
Jodie Norwell works for Canning Vale Education Support Centre, located at Australia
See more information about Jodie Norwell

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