2021-present (3 years)
Joan Fredrich Email & Phone number
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(812) ***-****
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Joan Fredrich Current Workplace
4200 N Kentucky Ave, Evansville, Indiana, 47711, United States
(800) 637-1731
Number of Employees
Joan Fredrich Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
7Number of job titles
1Last Update 1/18/2025 12:08 PM
About Joan Fredrich
Joan Fredrich is a Principal at Catholic Diocese of Evansville based in Evansville, Indiana.
Previously, Joan was a Principal at Holy Rosary Parish.
Joan Fredrich Current Workplace
Catholic Diocese of Evansville
The Diocese of Evansville was established in 1944 by Pope Pius XII. The diocese was formed from part of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis covering 5,010 square miles and representing 12 counties in Southwest Indiana. The diocese is comprised of 45 parishes with 22 elementary schools, and 4 high schools. The Catholic population of the diocese is about 15% of the total population of the area. The diocese can be characterized as rural and dotted with small towns. The largest city in the diocese is Evansville with a population of approximately 120,000. Throughout this website, the Catholic Diocese of Evansville provides links to other websites solely for the convenience of our users. By providing these links, the Catholic Diocese of Evansville assumes no responsibility for, nor does it necessarily endorse, these websites, their content, or their sponsoring organizations. © Copyright 2020 | Catholic Diocese of Evansville | 4200 N. Kentucky Avenue | Evansville, IN 47711 | (812) 424-5536
Joan Fredrich Work Experience & Education
Org Chart - Catholic Diocese of Evansville
Joan Fredrich
Recent News About Joan Fredrich
Web References
†Holy Rosary Catholic Church | Evansville, Indiana - School Board | Parish Council
Joan Fredrich , PrincipalAug 15, 2011Staff Member: Joan Fredrich | Holy Rosary Catholic Church
[Joan Fredrich] Staff Member: Joan Fredrich | Holy Rosary Catholic Church Staff Member: Joan Fredrich Joan Fredrich Principal Phone: 812-477-...Staff Member: Joan Fredrich | Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Joan Fredrich Staff Member: Joan Fredrich | Holy Rosary Catholic Church Staff Member: Joan Fredrich Joan Fredrich Principal Phone: 812-477-22...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Joan Fredrich
Joan Fredrich is a Principal at Catholic Diocese of Evansville based in Evansville, Indiana. Previously, Joan was a Principal at Holy Rosary Parish....