Jitendra Patel

Senior Lecturer at Malwa Institute of Science & Technology

Jitendra Patel Email & Phone number

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Jitendra Patel Work Experience Summary

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About Jitendra Patel

Jitendra Patel is a Senior Lecturer at Malwa Institute of Science & Technology based in Hatod, Madhya Pradesh.Explore more

Jitendra Patel Current Workplace

Malwa Institute of Science & Technology is yet another bud in the bouquet of institutes conglomerated by Patel Education & Welfare Society. MIST is located at Sanwer Road, Indore, about 10 Kms from the Railway Station and has a luxuriant campus spread over 16 acre land with a visionary design of "GREEN CAMPUS" for the next 2 decades. The institute is built with luring resources which include well equipped laboratories, E-library, latest configured computer labs with 2 mbps leased line, various interaction zones like amphitheatre, auditorium, seminar halls, etc.. (promoting co-curricular activities to students enrolled for MBA programs). The canteen, besides being uniquely architectured, provides nutritious food in a hygienic environment. The institute also provides conveyance facility, co-operative store, and sports centre for an all round development. To implement the modern Technology driven teaching requisites, the institute has in built audio-visual classrooms, further adding to thSee more

Jitendra Patel Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience

Relationship Manager



Org Chart - Malwa Institute of Science & Technology


Senior Lecturer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jitendra Patel

What company does Jitendra Patel work for?
Jitendra Patel works for Malwa Institute of Science & Technology as Senior Lecturer
What is Jitendra Patel’s role in Malwa Institute of Science & Technology?
Jitendra Patel’s role in Malwa Institute of Science & Technology is Senior Lecturer
What is Jitendra Patel’s direct phone number?
Jitendra Patel’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jitendra Patel’s work phone number?
Jitendra Patel’s headquarters phone number is +91 7316777777
What is Jitendra Patel’s latest job experience?
Jitendra Patel’s latest job experience is Relationship Manager at K&A SECURITIES PVT. LTD.
Which industry does Jitendra Patel work in?
Jitendra Patel works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Jitendra Patel’s peers at other companies?
Jitendra Patel’s peers at other companies are Martin Weigt, Joseph Breault, Jb Heiser, Michael Feldman, Adam Haupt.
Who are Jitendra Patel’s colleagues?
Some of Jitendra Patel’s colleagues are Vikas Jeriya, Nitesh Verma, Priyanshi Chauhan, Nikita Patidar.
Who is Jitendra Patel?

Jitendra Patel is a Senior Lecturer at Malwa Institute of Science & Technology based in Hatod, Madhya Pradesh.... Read More

Where is Jitendra Patel based?
Jitendra Patel works for Malwa Institute of Science & Technology, located at India
See more information about Jitendra Patel

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