
Jimmy Johnson

National Account Executive at ROC Title

Jimmy Johnson Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Jimmy Johnson Current Workplace


ROC Title


Phone Number

Number of Employees


Jimmy Johnson Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jimmy Johnson

Jimmy Johnson is a National Account Executive at ROC Title based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Previously, Jimmy was a Real Estate Sales at Realty ONE Group and also held positions at Ten-X, RE/MAX, First Team, attorneys equity national, Countrywide Financial.

Jimmy Johnson Current Workplace

ROC Title

2021-present (4 years)

Founded in 2015 and headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada. ROC Title provides title and escrow services through paperless technology.

Jimmy Johnson Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Real Estate Sales

Realty ONE Group


Business Development Sales Account Executive



Senior Sales Business Development Associate



Sales Specialist

Realty ONE Group


Org Chart - ROC Title

Jimmy Johnson

National Account Executive

Recent News About Jimmy Johnson

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jimmy Johnson

What company does Jimmy Johnson work for?
Jimmy Johnson works for ROC Title as National Account Executive
What is Jimmy Johnson’s role in ROC Title?
Jimmy Johnson’s role in ROC Title is National Account Executive
What is Jimmy Johnson’s email address?
Jimmy Johnson’s email address is j***@roctitle.com
What is Jimmy Johnson’s business email address?
Jimmy Johnson’s business email address is j***@roctitle.com
What is Jimmy Johnson’s direct phone number?
Jimmy Johnson’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jimmy Johnson’s work phone number?
Jimmy Johnson’s headquarters phone number is (702) 625-9706
What is Jimmy Johnson’s latest job experience?
Jimmy Johnson’s latest job experience is Real Estate Sales at Realty ONE Group
Which industry does Jimmy Johnson work in?
Jimmy Johnson works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Jimmy Johnson’s peers at other companies?
Jimmy Johnson’s peers at other companies are Negah Gheysar, Scott Horner, David Skolnick, Justin Wine, Stephanie Loyd.
Who are Jimmy Johnson’s colleagues?
Some of Jimmy Johnson’s colleagues are Kelly Novak, Tim Sams, Shane Armstrong, Susie Islas.
How can I contact Jimmy Johnson?
Jimmy Johnson contact details: Email address: j***@roctitle.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jimmy Johnson?

Jimmy Johnson is a National Account Executive at ROC Title based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Previously, Jimmy was a Real Estate Sales at Realty ONE Group and also held positions at Ten-X, RE/MAX, First Team, attorneys equity national, Countrywide Financial....

Where is Jimmy Johnson based?
Jimmy Johnson works for ROC Title, located at United States