Jimmy Ibarra

Sales Director at SABP Print Solutions

Jimmy Ibarra Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Jimmy Ibarra Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Jimmy Ibarra Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jimmy Ibarra

Jimmy Ibarra is a Sales Director at SABP Print Solutions based in Irvine, California. Previously, Jimmy was a Sales Manager at ProRepro.

Jimmy Ibarra Current Workplace

SABP Print Solutions

2012-present (12 years)

SABP Embee Companies provides a wide range of services including document scanning, digital printing, litigation support, and document management, primarily serving the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries. With a history dating back to 1946, they are expanding their offerings to include comprehensive construction support services alongside traditional print solutions. The company is located in Santa Ana, California, and caters to commercial, public, and medical clients. SABP Embee is also certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Woman-Owned Small Business (WBE).

Jimmy Ibarra Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Sales Manager



Org Chart - SABP Print Solutions

Jimmy Ibarra

Sales Director

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jimmy Ibarra

What company does Jimmy Ibarra work for?
Jimmy Ibarra works for SABP Print Solutions as Sales Director
What is Jimmy Ibarra’s role in SABP Print Solutions?
Jimmy Ibarra’s role in SABP Print Solutions is Sales Director
What is Jimmy Ibarra’s direct phone number?
Jimmy Ibarra’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jimmy Ibarra’s work phone number?
Jimmy Ibarra’s headquarters phone number is (949) 756-1001
What is Jimmy Ibarra’s latest job experience?
Jimmy Ibarra’s latest job experience is Sales Manager at ProRepro
Which industry does Jimmy Ibarra work in?
Jimmy Ibarra works in the industry of Commercial Printing, Business Services.
Who are Jimmy Ibarra’s peers at other companies?
Jimmy Ibarra’s peers at other companies are Alice Xie, Amina Fredericks, Amanda Hards, Troy Greenwald, Giovanni Rutigliano.
Who are Jimmy Ibarra’s colleagues?
Some of Jimmy Ibarra’s colleagues are Colleen Howes, Ranel Lacanilao, Eddy Matulandi.
Who is Jimmy Ibarra?

Jimmy Ibarra is a Sales Director at SABP Print Solutions based in Irvine, California. Previously, Jimmy was a Sales Manager at ProRepro....

Where is Jimmy Ibarra based?
Jimmy Ibarra works for SABP Print Solutions, located at United States