2014-present (10 years)
Jim Billing Email & Phone number
Jim Billing Current Workplace
3976 King Graves Rd Bldg 102, Vienna, Ohio, 44473, United States
Phone Number
(330) 609-1000
Number of Employees
Jim Billing Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
6Number of job titles
1About Jim Billing
Jim Billing is a Flight Chief at Air Force Reserve based in Vienna, Ohio.
Previously, Jim was a Flight Chief at Claire's.
Jim Billing Current Workplace
Air Force Reserve
Founded in 1968, the Air Force Reserve is a Major Command of the United States Air Force. It is the federal Air Reserve Component of the U.S. Air Force, consisting of commissioned officers including enlisted airwomen and airmen. The Air Force Reserve is headquartered at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jim Billing
Jim Billing is a Flight Chief at Air Force Reserve based in Vienna, Ohio. Previously, Jim was a Flight Chief at Claire's....