
Jim Biller

Engineer at RTX

Jim Biller Email & Phone number


(937) ***-****

Jim Biller Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jim Biller Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Jim Biller

Jim Biller is an Engineer at RTX based in Arlington, Virginia. Previously, Jim was an Engineer at Collins Aerospace and also held positions at Normandy United Methodist Church, United Methodist Communications, Panasonic.

Jim Biller Current Workplace


2006-present (18 years)

RTX is an aerospace and defense company that provides systems and services for commercial, military, and government customers worldwide.

Jim Biller Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Collins Aerospace


Equipment Engineer



Org Chart - RTX

Jim Biller


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jim Biller

What company does Jim Biller work for?
Jim Biller works for RTX as Engineer
What is Jim Biller’s role in RTX?
Jim Biller’s role in RTX is Engineer
What is Jim Biller’s email address?
Jim Biller’s email address is j***@rtx.com
What is Jim Biller’s business email address?
Jim Biller’s business email address is j***@rtx.com
What is Jim Biller’s direct phone number?
Jim Biller’s direct phone number is (937) ***-****
What is Jim Biller’s work phone number?
Jim Biller’s headquarters phone number is (781) 522-3000
What is Jim Biller’s latest job experience?
Jim Biller’s latest job experience is Engineer at Collins Aerospace
Which industry does Jim Biller work in?
Jim Biller works in the industry of Aerospace & Defense, Manufacturing.
Who are Jim Biller’s peers at other companies?
Jim Biller’s peers at other companies are Scott Dubois, Hassan Terry, John Stantly, Jason Thibodeau, Hoang As.
Who are Jim Biller’s colleagues?
Some of Jim Biller’s colleagues are Marlin Anderson, Bryon Hoinke, Jonathan Tamplin, Pamela Rogers.
How can I contact Jim Biller?
Jim Biller contact details: Email address: j***@rtx.com Phone number: (937) ***-****
Who is Jim Biller?

Jim Biller is an Engineer at RTX based in Arlington, Virginia. Previously, Jim was an Engineer at Collins Aerospace and also held positions at Normandy United Methodist Church, United Methodist Communications, Panasonic....

Where is Jim Biller based?
Jim Biller works for RTX, located at United States