Jill Cruz

President at Rockland Business Women's Network

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About Jill Cruz

Jill Cruz is a President at Rockland Business Women's Network based in West Nyack, New York.Explore more

Jill Cruz Current Workplace

Rockland Business Women's Network

2023-present (2 years)

To provide women with opportunities for professional and business growth through leadership, education and networking. To create a thriving and supportive womens business organization whose members are inspired to work collaboratively, to grow professionally, and to contribute to the economic vitality of the community. When a small group of women banded together in 1979 to form th RBWN, their ultimate goal was to enhance the members personal growth and expand their career goals. Those early kitchen table and living room meetings produced workshops, lectures and open discussions, some held at Rockland Community College, to accommodate their thirst for knowledge, networking and female support. The founding mothers were also community minded, so they created an annual In Celebration event, to recognize individual Rockland County womens accomplishments and community contributions. In the mid-80s to early 90s, several subgroups were formed: SOS for single/divorced women, Women in Business (See more

Org Chart - Rockland Business Women's Network






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jill Cruz

What company does Jill Cruz work for?
Jill Cruz works for Rockland Business Women's Network as President
What is Jill Cruz’s role in Rockland Business Women's Network?
Jill Cruz’s role in Rockland Business Women's Network is President
What is Jill Cruz’s direct phone number?
Jill Cruz’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jill Cruz’s work phone number?
Jill Cruz’s headquarters phone number is (845) 535-1011
Which industry does Jill Cruz work in?
Jill Cruz works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Jill Cruz’s peers at other companies?
Jill Cruz’s peers at other companies are Kevin Tekrony, Robert Sabin, Tom Grossman, Dara Samuel, Michael Brown.
Who are Jill Cruz’s colleagues?
Some of Jill Cruz’s colleagues are Cheryl Baun.
Who is Jill Cruz?

Jill Cruz is a President at Rockland Business Women's Network based in West Nyack, New York.... Read More

Where is Jill Cruz based?
Jill Cruz works for Rockland Business Women's Network, located at United States
Who is Rockland Business Women's Network’s President?
Rockland Business Women's Network's President is Jill Cruz
See more information about Jill Cruz

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