2019-present (6 years)
Jessica Christiansen Email & Phone number
Jessica Christiansen Current Workplace
5333 N 7th St Ste A100, Phoenix, Arizona, 85014, United States
Phone Number
(602) 412-4095
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About Jessica Christiansen
Jessica Christiansen works at Family Involvement Center, which is a Hospitals & Physicians Clinics company with an estimated 74 employees. Found email listings include: @familyinvolvementcenter.org.Explore more
Jessica Christiansen Current Workplace
Family Involvement Center
Family Involvement Center (FIC) is a not-for-profit, family-run organization that was founded by Jane Kallal in 2002. FIC was established initially to serve as a partner in developing a new system of care for children with emotional, physical, and/or behavioral healthcare needs in Arizona. Jane believed then, as she does today, that parents/caregivers know their children best and that involving families in the process of providing care is vital to strengthening Arizona's system of care for children. As a parent herself, Jane knows all too well the challenges parents and families face in getting the support, information, and access to services our children need. She established FIC with the intention of giving families a voice in the planning, design, and implementation of Arizona's children's services. As a result, Family Involvement Center became a family-run organization - meaning the majority of our employees and the Board of Directors have personal life experience raising childrenSee more
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Family Involvement Website
On May 22, 2017, the day they took her two-week-old son away, Jessica Christiansen was looking forward to leaving the hospital. JJ, born 4-1/2 weeks e...Family Involvement Website
On May 22, 2017, the day they took her two-week-old son away, Jessica Christiansen was looking forward to leaving the hospital. JJ, born 4-1/2 weeks e...
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