Jess Dunning

Kennel Assistant at Circle Tail

Jess Dunning Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Jess Dunning Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jess Dunning Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jess Dunning

Jess Dunning is a Kennel Assistant at Circle Tail based in Pleasant Plain, Ohio. Previously, Jess was an Animal Care Technician at Clermont Animal CARE Humane Society and also held positions at Journey 333, Tippecanoe Valley School, Bowen Center, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, Grace College, Target, Beaman Home. Jess received a Bachelor of Counseling Psychology degree from Grace College & Seminary and a Master of Higher Education/Higher Education Administration from Grace College & Seminary.

Jess Dunning Current Workplace

Circle Tail

2021-present (4 years)

Circle Tail is an Assistance Dogs International accredited organization based in Cincinnati that specializes in training and partnering highly-skilled service dogs for various needs, including mobility assistance, seizure response, and more. The organization focuses on helping people through their programs involving assistance dogs, facility dogs, and educational classes. Its intended clients include individuals requiring support due to disabilities as well as schools and care facilities. Circle Tail emphasizes community involvement through volunteering, donations, and fostering opportunities.

Jess Dunning Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Animal Care Technician

Clermont Animal CARE Humane Society


Fitness Coach

Journey 333


Special Education Teacher

Tippecanoe Valley School


Skills Coach Leader

Bowen Center




Bachelor of Counseling Psychology - Criminal Justice

Grace College & Seminary

Master of Higher Education/Higher Education Administration

Grace College & Seminary

Master of Mental Health Counseling/Counselor

Huntington University

Org Chart - Circle Tail

Jess Dunning

Kennel Assistant

Recent News About Jess Dunning

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jess Dunning

What company does Jess Dunning work for?
Jess Dunning works for Circle Tail as Kennel Assistant
What is Jess Dunning’s role in Circle Tail?
Jess Dunning’s role in Circle Tail is Kennel Assistant
What is Jess Dunning’s direct phone number?
Jess Dunning’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jess Dunning’s work phone number?
Jess Dunning’s headquarters phone number is (513) 877-3325
What is Jess Dunning’s latest job experience?
Jess Dunning’s latest job experience is Animal Care Technician at Clermont Animal CARE Humane Society
What is Jess Dunning’s latest education?
Jess Dunning’s latest education in Bachelor of Counseling Psychology - Criminal Justice at Grace College & Seminary
Which industry does Jess Dunning work in?
Jess Dunning works in the industry of Organizations General, Organizations.
Who are Jess Dunning’s peers at other companies?
Jess Dunning’s peers at other companies are Rachael Carlo, McKenzie Metz, Deb Rider, Abby Daisley, Milagros Marcelo.
Who are Jess Dunning’s colleagues?
Some of Jess Dunning’s colleagues are Wayne Elliott, Ann Schmidt, Kristen Dilley.
Who is Jess Dunning?

Jess Dunning is a Kennel Assistant at Circle Tail based in Pleasant Plain, Ohio. Previously, Jess was an Animal Care Technician at Clermont Animal CARE Humane Society and also held positions at Journey 333, Tippecanoe Valley School, Bowen Center, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, Grace College, Target, Beaman Home. Jess received a Ba... chelor of Counseling Psychology degree from Grace College & Seminary and a Master of Higher Education/Higher Education Administration from Grace College & Seminary.

Where is Jess Dunning based?
Jess Dunning works for Circle Tail, located at United States