Jesna James

Clinical Pharmacist at PRS Hospital

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Jesna James Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jesna James

Jesna James is a Clinical Pharmacist at PRS Hospital based in Karamana, Kerala.Explore more

Jesna James Current Workplace

PRS Hospital

2024-present (6 months)

PRS Hospital Pvt. Ltd, Killipalam is a multi super specialty hospital situated in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram city. It was established on 7th of September, 1986 by Late P.Ratnaswamy who was an engineer cum builder by profession. The hospital has a bed strength of 300 and it has taken great strides in upgrading its facilities during the past 27 years. The entire hospital complex is spread out in 2.5 acres of land.

Jesna James Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Pharm D Intern

Lourdes hospital Ernakulam


Pharm D Clerkship

Lourdes hospital Ernakulam


Org Chart - PRS Hospital


Clinical Pharmacist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jesna James

What company does Jesna James work for?
Jesna James works for PRS Hospital as Clinical Pharmacist
What is Jesna James’s role in PRS Hospital?
Jesna James’s role in PRS Hospital is Clinical Pharmacist
What is Jesna James’s direct phone number?
Jesna James’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jesna James’s work phone number?
Jesna James’s headquarters phone number is +91 4712344442
What is Jesna James’s latest job experience?
Jesna James’s latest job experience is Pharm D Intern at Lourdes hospital Ernakulam
Which industry does Jesna James work in?
Jesna James works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Jesna James’s peers at other companies?
Jesna James’s peers at other companies are Virginia White, Alexandra LeMere, Maggie Green, Thomas Zhao, Jeremy Hodges.
Who are Jesna James’s colleagues?
Some of Jesna James’s colleagues are Aravind Madhav, Ashitha Antony, Achumol Tom, Nithin Rajan.
Who is Jesna James?

Jesna James is a Clinical Pharmacist at PRS Hospital based in Karamana, Kerala.... Read More

Where is Jesna James based?
Jesna James works for PRS Hospital, located at India
See more information about Jesna James

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