Jerry Bishop

Director, Quality & Risk Management at Encompass Health

Jerry Bishop Email & Phone number


(727) ***-****

Jerry Bishop Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Jerry Bishop Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jerry Bishop

Jerry Bishop is a Director, Quality & Risk Management at Encompass Health based in Birmingham, Alabama.

Jerry Bishop Current Workplace

Encompass Health

2013-present (12 years)

Encompass Health provides inpatient rehabilitative healthcare services. The Company operates inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, outpatient and rehabilitation satellites, and home health agencies. It also provides treatment on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. The company is headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama.

Jerry Bishop Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



A. S. - medical technology

bachelor's degree - healthcare administration

master's degree - public administration

Org Chart - Encompass Health

Jerry Bishop

Director, Quality & Risk Management

Recent News About Jerry Bishop

Web References
Web References
  • news feed 1

    Jerry Bishop Jerry Bishop Director of Quality and Risk Management Jerry joins HealthSouth Sea Pines Rehabilitation Hospital with 20 years of exp...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jerry Bishop

What company does Jerry Bishop work for?
Jerry Bishop works for Encompass Health as Director, Quality & Risk Management
What is Jerry Bishop’s role in Encompass Health?
Jerry Bishop’s role in Encompass Health is Director, Quality & Risk Management
What is Jerry Bishop’s email address?
Jerry Bishop’s email address is j***@encompassins.com
What is Jerry Bishop’s business email address?
Jerry Bishop’s business email address is j***@encompassins.com
What is Jerry Bishop’s direct phone number?
Jerry Bishop’s direct phone number is (727) ***-****
What is Jerry Bishop’s work phone number?
Jerry Bishop’s headquarters phone number is (205) 967-7116
Which industry does Jerry Bishop work in?
Jerry Bishop works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Jerry Bishop’s peers at other companies?
Jerry Bishop’s peers at other companies are Judy Uko-Akpabot, Susan Hapner, Deste Joeta, Kenita P., Melissa Shepherd.
Who are Jerry Bishop’s colleagues?
Some of Jerry Bishop’s colleagues are Judy Uko-Akpabot, Kelly Zeigler, Leslie Reid, Neeharika Munjal.
How can I contact Jerry Bishop?
Jerry Bishop contact details: Email address: j***@encompassins.com Phone number: (727) ***-****
Who is Jerry Bishop?

Jerry Bishop is a Director, Quality & Risk Management at Encompass Health based in Birmingham, Alabama....

Where is Jerry Bishop based?
Jerry Bishop works for Encompass Health, located at United States