2013-present (12 years)
Jerry Bishop Email & Phone number
Jerry Bishop Current Workplace
9001 Liberty Pkwy, Birmingham, Alabama, 35242, United States
(205) 967-7116
Number of Employees
Jerry Bishop Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
12Number of job titles
1About Jerry Bishop
Jerry Bishop is a Director, Quality & Risk Management at Encompass Health based in Birmingham, Alabama.
Jerry Bishop Current Workplace
Encompass Health
Encompass Health provides inpatient rehabilitative healthcare services. The Company operates inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, outpatient and rehabilitation satellites, and home health agencies. It also provides treatment on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. The company is headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama.
Jerry Bishop Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
12Number of job titles
A. S. - medical technology
bachelor's degree - healthcare administration
master's degree - public administration
Recent News About Jerry Bishop
Leadership & Staff
Jerry Bishop Jerry Bishop Director of Quality/Risk Management Jerry has over 18 years experience in quality improvement and risk management. Mr...Leadership & Staff
Jerry Bishop Jerry Bishop Director of Quality/Risk Management Jerry has over 18 years experience in quality improvement and risk management. M...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jerry Bishop
Jerry Bishop is a Director, Quality & Risk Management at Encompass Health based in Birmingham, Alabama....