
Jeremy Poxon

Media Officer at The Australian Unemployed Workers' Union

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About Jeremy Poxon

Jeremy Poxon is a Media Officer at The Australian Unemployed Workers' Union based in Perth, Western Australia.Explore more

Jeremy Poxon Current Workplace

Membership is free and open to all! The Turnbull government demonstrated its commitment to making the lives of social security recipients as difficult and humiliating as possible. They want us to feel like criminals for accepting entitlements that are our legal and constitutional right - entitlements that are already so meagre they fail to keep us above the poverty line. Rather than investing in job-creation and a fair social security system, Turnbull wants to grind us down with cruel measures to make us powerless. History shows that we cannot rely on the initiative of politicians to solve social problems - the government will only make positive changes if we force them to. To achieve a humane social security system, the unemployed and pensioners must unite and fight back. However, it is clear that we will need the help of the wider Australian public. It is for this reason that the AUWU welcomes all those dependent on Centrelink, as well as all those who have jobs, to join our struggleSee more

Org Chart - The Australian Unemployed Workers' Union


Media Officer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jeremy Poxon

What company does Jeremy Poxon work for?
Jeremy Poxon works for The Australian Unemployed Workers' Union as Media Officer
What is Jeremy Poxon’s role in The Australian Unemployed Workers' Union?
Jeremy Poxon’s role in The Australian Unemployed Workers' Union is Media Officer
What is Jeremy Poxon’s email address?
Jeremy Poxon’s email address is j***@auwu.org.au
What is Jeremy Poxon’s business email address?
Jeremy Poxon’s business email address is j***@auwu.org.au
What is Jeremy Poxon’s direct phone number?
Jeremy Poxon’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jeremy Poxon’s work phone number?
Jeremy Poxon’s headquarters phone number is +61 1800289848
Which industry does Jeremy Poxon work in?
Jeremy Poxon works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Jeremy Poxon’s peers at other companies?
Jeremy Poxon’s peers at other companies are Alisha Caldwell, Jack Hudson, Courtney Eaton, Hamda Alfalasi.
Who are Jeremy Poxon’s colleagues?
Some of Jeremy Poxon’s colleagues are Sean Kenny, Kristin O'Connell, Kate Alway, Brendan Bogle.
How can I contact Jeremy Poxon?
Jeremy Poxon contact details: Email address: j***@auwu.org.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jeremy Poxon?

Jeremy Poxon is a Media Officer at The Australian Unemployed Workers' Union based in Perth, Western Australia.... Read More

Where is Jeremy Poxon based?
Jeremy Poxon works for The Australian Unemployed Workers' Union, located at Australia
See more information about Jeremy Poxon

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