2023-present (2 years)
Jeremy Klinger Email & Phone number
Jeremy Klinger Current Workplace
4216 Dewitt Ave, Mattoon, Illinois, 61938, United States
Phone Number
(217) 235-7101
Number of Employees
Jeremy Klinger Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
7Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
9About Jeremy Klinger
Jeremy Klinger is a Corporate Controller at Rural King based in Mattoon, Illinois.
Previously, Jeremy was a Director, Finance at Filtration Group and also held positions at Kellogg Company, Microsoft, Zebra Technologies, Tyson Foods, SOLO.
Jeremy Klinger Current Workplace
Rural King
Rural King is a family-owned and operated farm supply store that offers a mix of products from clothing, housewares, and toys to livestock feed and farm equipment. Rural King is headquartered in Mattoon, Illinois.
Jeremy Klinger Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jeremy Klinger
Jeremy Klinger is a Corporate Controller at Rural King based in Mattoon, Illinois. Previously, Jeremy was a Director, Finance at Filtration Group and also held positions at Kellogg Company, Microsoft, Zebra Technologies, Tyson Foods, SOLO....