
Jennifer Seele

Line Worker at Stellantis

Jennifer Seele Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Jennifer Seele Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jennifer Seele Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Jennifer Seele

Jennifer Seele is a Line Worker at Stellantis based in Hoofddorp, North Holland. Previously, Jennifer was a Line Worker at Chrysler.

Jennifer Seele Current Workplace


2017-present (7 years)

Stellantis N.V. is a Dutch-based multinational automotive manufacturing corporation resulting from the merger of French automaker Groupe PSA and Italian-American automaker Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, following completion of a 50-50 merger agreement.

Jennifer Seele Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Line Worker



Org Chart - Stellantis

Jennifer Seele

Line Worker

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Interest in Jennifer Seele's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jennifer Seele

What company does Jennifer Seele work for?
Jennifer Seele works for Stellantis as Line Worker
What is Jennifer Seele’s role in Stellantis?
Jennifer Seele’s role in Stellantis is Line Worker
What is Jennifer Seele’s email address?
Jennifer Seele’s email address is j***@stellantis.com
What is Jennifer Seele’s business email address?
Jennifer Seele’s business email address is j***@stellantis.com
What is Jennifer Seele’s direct phone number?
Jennifer Seele’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jennifer Seele’s work phone number?
Jennifer Seele’s headquarters phone number is +31 237001511
What is Jennifer Seele’s latest job experience?
Jennifer Seele’s latest job experience is Line Worker at Chrysler
Which industry does Jennifer Seele work in?
Jennifer Seele works in the industry of Motor Vehicles, Manufacturing.
Who are Jennifer Seele’s peers at other companies?
Jennifer Seele’s peers at other companies are Sammy Pyper, Sean Griffin, Kyre Marsee, Mike Palmer, Matthew Delano.
Who are Jennifer Seele’s colleagues?
Some of Jennifer Seele’s colleagues are Lan Sun, Michael Hermanson, Dennis Donald, Jerel Wilson.
How can I contact Jennifer Seele?
Jennifer Seele contact details: Email address: j***@stellantis.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jennifer Seele?

Jennifer Seele is a Line Worker at Stellantis based in Hoofddorp, North Holland. Previously, Jennifer was a Line Worker at Chrysler....

Where is Jennifer Seele based?
Jennifer Seele works for Stellantis, located at Netherlands