
Jenna Murphy

Jenna Murphy Email & Phone number

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(310) ***-****

Jenna Murphy Work Experience Summary

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About Jenna Murphy

Jenna K. Murphy serves as the Chief Operating Officer for the West Los Angeles office. In this role, she is responsible for implementing the short- and long-term vision of the firm by working closely with the firm's Executive Leadership Team. Jenna plays an instrumental role in the ongoing growth and development of the firm's financial advisors and associates. In addition, she oversees office operations, coordinates community and philanthropic outreach for the firm, and fosters the company's collaborative, supportive, and values-based culture. Prior to joining Northwestern Mutual, Jenna was an attorney in private litigation practice. Jenna received her B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles with a major in Political Science and minor in French, graduating summa cum laude and from the university's College Honors program. She thereafter obtained her J.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles, where she served as the Vice President of Internal Affairs for the UCLARead more

Jenna Murphy Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief of Staff

Northwestern Mutual


Chief Development Officer

Northwestern Mutual


Assistant VP, Talent Management

Pennymac Loan Services


Director of Advisor Performance

Northwestern Mutual




J. D.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jenna Murphy

What is Jenna Murphy’s email address?
Jenna Murphy’s email address is j***@nm.com
What is Jenna Murphy’s business email address?
Jenna Murphy’s business email address is j***@nm.com
What is Jenna Murphy’s direct phone number?
Jenna Murphy’s direct phone number is (310) ***-****
What is Jenna Murphy’s latest job experience?
Jenna Murphy’s latest job experience is Chief of Staff at Northwestern Mutual
How can I contact Jenna Murphy?
Jenna Murphy contact details: Email address: j***@nm.com Phone number: (310) ***-****
Who is Jenna Murphy?

Jenna K. Murphy serves as the Chief Operating Officer for the West Los Angeles office. In this role, she is responsible for implementing the short- and long-term vision of the firm by working closely with the firm's Executive Leadership Team. Jenna plays an instrumental role in the ongoing growth and development of the firm's financial advisors an... d associates. In addition, she oversees office operations, coordinates community and philanthropic outreach for the firm, and fosters the company's collaborative, supportive, and values-based culture. Prior to joining Northwestern Mutual, Jenna was an attorney in private litigation practice. Jenna received her B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles with a major in Political Science and minor in French, graduating summa cum laude and from the university's College Honors program. She thereafter obtained her J.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles, where she served as the Vice President of Internal Affairs for the UCLA Moot Court Honors Board. Jenna is admitted to practice law in the state of California. Outside of her career, Jenna enjoys practicing yoga and spending time with her husband, Brian. Jenna and Brian currently reside in Burbank, where Brian works for the Marvel creative team. The couple enjoys spending time with their families, watching movies, and of course, going to Disneyland.Read More

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