Jeksen Jack

Internal Auditor at Erlangga

Jeksen Jack Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Jeksen Jack Current Workplace




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Jeksen Jack Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jeksen Jack

Jeksen Jack is an Internal Auditor at Erlangga based in Jakarta, Jakarta. Previously, Jeksen was a Sales Consultant at Kumala Group and also held positions at Unicharm.Explore more

Jeksen Jack Current Workplace


2024-present (1 year)

Berdiri pada 30 April 1952, Erlangga Group pada mulanya hanya menerbitkan buku-buku pelajaran saja. Kami semakin dikenal karena tingginya kualitas dan kayanya ragam buku yang diterbitkan. Saat ini, produk kami adalah paduan harmonis dari buku pelajaran, buku anak, fiksi, non fiksi, dan juga majalah. Kala menciptakan sebuah produk, kami selalu mengutamakan nilai pendidikan. Buku-buku kami disusun berdasarkan riset terus-menerus, evaluasi tiada henti oleh para editor terbaik di Indonesia, dibantu para konsultan ahli dari berbagai bidang, dalam dan luar negeri. Bukan itu saja. Buku Erlangga dipasarkan oleh para tim pemasar yang profesional, mengetahui produk dengan sangat baik dan memastikan para guru tahu cara memakai buku Erlangga dengan program pelatihan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Untuk menghasilkan karya terbaik, lingkup penerbitan kami bagi ke dalam lima kategori utama buku pelajaran, buku untuk perguruan tinggi, buku anak, buku populer (fiksi dan non fiksi), dan buku referenSee more

Jeksen Jack Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Sales Consultant

Kumala Group


Sales Marketing Standard



Org Chart - Erlangga


Internal Auditor




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jeksen Jack

What company does Jeksen Jack work for?
Jeksen Jack works for Erlangga as Internal Auditor
What is Jeksen Jack’s role in Erlangga?
Jeksen Jack’s role in Erlangga is Internal Auditor
What is Jeksen Jack’s email address?
Jeksen Jack’s email address is j***@erlangga.co.id
What is Jeksen Jack’s business email address?
Jeksen Jack’s business email address is j***@erlangga.co.id
What is Jeksen Jack’s direct phone number?
Jeksen Jack’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jeksen Jack’s work phone number?
Jeksen Jack’s headquarters phone number is +62 218717006 ext. 144
What is Jeksen Jack’s latest job experience?
Jeksen Jack’s latest job experience is Sales Consultant at Kumala Group
Which industry does Jeksen Jack work in?
Jeksen Jack works in the industry of Publishing, Media & Internet.
Who are Jeksen Jack’s peers at other companies?
Jeksen Jack’s peers at other companies are Mostafa Magdy, Christina Gerbe, Katie Semione, Sabrina Putri, Suyog Gawand.
Who are Jeksen Jack’s colleagues?
Some of Jeksen Jack’s colleagues are Ridwan Zulfahmi, Monita Astrinda, Khalisya Putri, Aisyah Razanah.
How can I contact Jeksen Jack?
Jeksen Jack contact details: Email address: j***@erlangga.co.id Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jeksen Jack?

Jeksen Jack is an Internal Auditor at Erlangga based in Jakarta, Jakarta. Previously, Jeksen was a Sales Consultant at Kumala Group and also held positions at Unicharm.... Read More

Where is Jeksen Jack based?
Jeksen Jack works for Erlangga, located at Indonesia
See more information about Jeksen Jack

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