Jeffrey Sparr

Chief Revenue Officer & Co-Founder at Scribl

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Jeffrey Sparr Work Experience Summary

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About Jeffrey Sparr

Jeffrey Sparr is the Chief Revenue Officer & Co-Founder at Scribl. Previously, Jeffrey was the Artist and Co-Founder at PeaceLove Studios and also held positions at Textiles2.Explore more

Jeffrey Sparr Current Workplace


2024-present (6 months)

Scribl is a new form of digital publisher and distributor, creator of the CrowdPricing(TM) system to fairly price ebooks and audiobooks and Story Elements to ensure you can always find the content you love, the moment it's released. We know that if we provide fair prices you can trust, you buy more books. Authors are credited with 70% to 90% of every purchase within 48 hours of each purchase on the site. If you like to read or listen to audiobooks, if you like fair pricing, or if you want to know that the authors are getting the lion's share of the pay without the publisher sitting on the money for weeks or months, then Scribl is the site for you. Find the right book. Pay the right price.

Jeffrey Sparr Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience

Artist and Co-Founder

PeaceLove Studios


President & Chief Executive Officer



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Recent News About Jeffrey Sparr

Web References
Web References
  • news feed 1

    Jeffrey Sparr 999 Main Street Unit 111 Pawtucket RI RHODE ISLAND 02860 ...
  • news feed 2

    About - PeaceLove

    PeaceLove began when cousins Matt Kaplan and Jeff Sparr wanted to change the way they saw people approaching mental health. Jeff Sparr began painting...
  • news feed 4

    About - PeaceLove

    PeaceLove began in 2009 when cousins Matt and Jeff set out to create a movement the mental health community could rally behind. Jeff began painting a...
  • news feed 5

    About - PeaceLove

    PeaceLove began in 2009 when cousins Matt and Jeff set out to create a movement the mental health community could rally behind. Jeff began painting a...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jeffrey Sparr

What company does Jeffrey Sparr work for?
Jeffrey Sparr works for Scribl as Chief Revenue Officer & Co-Founder
What is Jeffrey Sparr’s role in Scribl?
Jeffrey Sparr’s role in Scribl is Chief Revenue Officer & Co-Founder
What is Jeffrey Sparr’s email address?
Jeffrey Sparr’s email address is j***
What is Jeffrey Sparr’s business email address?
Jeffrey Sparr’s business email address is j***
What is Jeffrey Sparr’s direct phone number?
Jeffrey Sparr’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jeffrey Sparr’s latest job experience?
Jeffrey Sparr’s latest job experience is Artist and Co-Founder at PeaceLove Studios
Which industry does Jeffrey Sparr work in?
Jeffrey Sparr works in the industry of Record, Video & Book Stores, Retail.
Who are Jeffrey Sparr’s colleagues?
Some of Jeffrey Sparr’s colleagues are Colin Higbie, Lee Higbie, Kimberly DiOrio-Rooney, Matthew Kaplan.
How can I contact Jeffrey Sparr?
Jeffrey Sparr contact details: Email address: j*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jeffrey Sparr?

Jeffrey Sparr is the Chief Revenue Officer & Co-Founder at Scribl. Previously, Jeffrey was the Artist and Co-Founder at PeaceLove Studios and also held positions at Textiles2.... Read More

Where is Jeffrey Sparr based?
Jeffrey Sparr works for Scribl, located at United States
Who is Scribl’s Chief Revenue Officer & Co-Founder?
Scribl's Chief Revenue Officer & Co-Founder is Jeffrey Sparr
See more information about Jeffrey Sparr

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