
Jeff Yanc

Program Director at The Loft Cinema

Jeff Yanc Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(520) ***-****

Jeff Yanc Current Workplace



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Jeff Yanc Work Experience Summary

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About Jeff Yanc

Jeff Yanc is the Program Director at The Loft Cinema, based in Tucson, United States. He is responsible for curating the cinema's diverse film programming and managing its operations. Prior to his current role, Jeff gained valuable experience in the industry.Explore more

Jeff Yanc Current Workplace

The Loft Cinema

2006-present (19 years)

The Loft Cinema has been a mission-driven, membership-supported nonprofit arts organization since November 2002, serving the greater Tucson area and all of Southern Arizona. Without The Loft, audiences in Southern Arizona would not have access to the many films and visiting filmmakers who have enriched Tucson's cultural identity. The Loft's signature events are screenings with filmmaker Q&As, with more than 450 film industry professionals and scholars visiting the theatre to date. The Loft screens new independent American and foreign films and documentaries, along with classic art films, interactive events including a monthly short film contest, sing-a-longs and cult favorites. Every year The Loft has dozens of community partners working to create community and raise awareness of a myriad of issues. The Loft hosts an annual international film festival in November and a free children's film festival every July. The Loft is a member-supported cinema, with more than 3000 memberships repreSee more

Jeff Yanc Work Experience & Education

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UA School

Org Chart - The Loft Cinema


Program Director




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jeff Yanc

What company does Jeff Yanc work for?
Jeff Yanc works for The Loft Cinema as Program Director
What is Jeff Yanc’s role in The Loft Cinema?
Jeff Yanc’s role in The Loft Cinema is Program Director
What is Jeff Yanc’s email address?
Jeff Yanc’s email address is j***@loftcinema.org
What is Jeff Yanc’s business email address?
Jeff Yanc’s business email address is j***@loftcinema.org
What is Jeff Yanc’s direct phone number?
Jeff Yanc’s direct phone number is (520) ***-****
What is Jeff Yanc’s work phone number?
Jeff Yanc’s headquarters phone number is (520) 795-0844
Which industry does Jeff Yanc work in?
Jeff Yanc works in the industry of Media & Internet General, Media & Internet.
Who are Jeff Yanc’s peers at other companies?
Jeff Yanc’s peers at other companies are Susan Donnell, Yo Newman, Kristopher Shepherd, Tiara Buditama, Joey Roberson.
Who are Jeff Yanc’s colleagues?
Some of Jeff Yanc’s colleagues are Haley McFeely, Matt McCoy, Ann McNaughton, Peggy Johnson.
How can I contact Jeff Yanc?
Jeff Yanc contact details: Email address: j***@loftcinema.org Phone number: (520) ***-****
Who is Jeff Yanc?

Jeff Yanc is the Program Director at The Loft Cinema, based in Tucson, United States. He is responsible for curating the cinema's diverse film programming and managing its operations. Prior to his current role, Jeff gained valuable experience in the industry.... Read More

Where is Jeff Yanc based?
Jeff Yanc works for The Loft Cinema, located at United States
See more information about Jeff Yanc

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