
JeF Bru

Sales Manager at Andorra Telecom

JeF Bru Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

JeF Bru Current Workplace



Number of Employees

JeF Bru Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About JeF Bru

JeF Bru is a Sales Manager at Andorra Telecom based in Andorra la Vella, Andorra la Vella. Previously, JeF was a Product Manager, Indirect Sales, Cloud & Datacenter at Andorra Telecom. JeF received a Baccalaureat Economiques & Social degree from Lycée Comte de Foix and a Bachelor of Tourism Studies from Lycée Comte de Foix.Explore more

JeF Bru Current Workplace

Andorra Telecom

2024-present (1 year)

Created in 1975, the Telecommunications Service of Andorra (in the future Andorra Telecom) is the public operator that manages and operates, exclusively in Andorra, telecommunications services in general - landline, mobile telephone, transmission data, Internet and other ancillary or supplementary services for telecommunications even regarding to international communications. Andorra Telecom is also responsible for managing the technical infrastructure and national broadcasting networks related to radio and Terrestrial Digital Television (TDT). Andorra Telecom is controlled and managed by a Board of Directors with full responsibility to the Government of Andorra, management, direction and representation of the Service and management, administration and disposal of its goods and resource.

JeF Bru Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Product Manager, Indirect Sales, Cloud & Datacenter

Andorra Telecom


Responsable Canal Distribuïdor and Distribution Channel Manager

Andorra Telecom


Business Development and Coordinació I Desenvolupament Comercial

Andorra Telecom


Product Manager

Andorra Telecom




Baccalaureat Economiques & Social

Lycée Comte de Foix

Bachelor of Tourism Studies - Assistant gestion PME-PMI

Lycée Comte de Foix

Master of Business Administration - MBA, Marketing, Droit, Commerce, gestion

ESARC Evolution

Org Chart - Andorra Telecom


Sales Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding JeF Bru

What company does JeF Bru work for?
JeF Bru works for Andorra Telecom as Sales Manager
What is JeF Bru’s role in Andorra Telecom?
JeF Bru’s role in Andorra Telecom is Sales Manager
What is JeF Bru’s email address?
JeF Bru’s email address is j***@andorratelecom.ad
What is JeF Bru’s business email address?
JeF Bru’s business email address is j***@andorratelecom.ad
What is JeF Bru’s direct phone number?
JeF Bru’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is JeF Bru’s work phone number?
JeF Bru’s headquarters phone number is +376 875000
What is JeF Bru’s latest job experience?
JeF Bru’s latest job experience is Product Manager, Indirect Sales, Cloud & Datacenter at Andorra Telecom
What is JeF Bru’s latest education?
JeF Bru’s latest education in Baccalaureat Economiques & Social at Lycée Comte de Foix
Which industry does JeF Bru work in?
JeF Bru works in the industry of Call Centers & Business Centers, Business Services.
Who are JeF Bru’s peers at other companies?
JeF Bru’s peers at other companies are Sam Lee, Brent Whittington, Kapulula Banda, Bryan Escott, Alisha Mehra.
Who are JeF Bru’s colleagues?
Some of JeF Bru’s colleagues are Xavier Margineda, Esteve Guiu, Ander Coma, Rosa Porqueres.
How can I contact JeF Bru?
JeF Bru contact details: Email address: j***@andorratelecom.ad Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is JeF Bru?

JeF Bru is a Sales Manager at Andorra Telecom based in Andorra la Vella, Andorra la Vella. Previously, JeF was a Product Manager, Indirect Sales, Cloud & Datacenter at Andorra Telecom. JeF received a Baccalaureat Economiques & Social degree from Lycée Comte de Foix and a Bachelor of Tourism Studies from Lycée Comte de Foix.... Read More

Where is JeF Bru based?
JeF Bru works for Andorra Telecom, located at Andorra
See more information about JeF Bru

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