Jeannine Uzzi

President at Thomas College

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(***) ***-****

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Jeannine Uzzi Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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About Jeannine Uzzi

Jeannine Uzzi is the President Elect at Thomas College, based in the Portland, Maine Metropolitan Area. Prior to her current role, she served as the Vice President at Adair University. Uzzi holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Classical Studies from Duke University.Explore more

Jeannine Uzzi Current Workplace

Thomas College

2024-present (4 months)

About Thomas College: Celebrating its 125th anniversary, Thomas College offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in programs ranging from business, entrepreneurship, and technology, to education, criminal justice, and psychology. Its Guaranteed Job Program, the first of its kind in the nation, is built on students' academic, career, and leadership preparation. Thomas is also home to the Harold Alfond Institute for Business Innovation and the Center for Innovation in Education. In 2017, Money Magazine ranked Thomas 23rd of all colleges and universities in the country for adding the most value to their degrees, and data reported by the New York Times ranks Thomas in the top 15 percent of all higher education institutions in the U.S. for upward mobility of its graduates.

Jeannine Uzzi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

President Elect

Thomas College


Vice President, Academic Affairs

Adler University


Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs

University of Southern Maine


Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

University of Southern Maine




Bachelor of Arts

Hamilton College

Doctor of Philosophy

Duke University

Org Chart - Thomas College






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jeannine Uzzi

What company does Jeannine Uzzi work for?
Jeannine Uzzi works for Thomas College as President
What is Jeannine Uzzi’s role in Thomas College?
Jeannine Uzzi’s role in Thomas College is President
What is Jeannine Uzzi’s email address?
Jeannine Uzzi’s email address is j***
What is Jeannine Uzzi’s business email address?
Jeannine Uzzi’s business email address is j***
What is Jeannine Uzzi’s direct phone number?
Jeannine Uzzi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jeannine Uzzi’s work phone number?
Jeannine Uzzi’s headquarters phone number is (207) 859-1111
What is Jeannine Uzzi’s latest job experience?
Jeannine Uzzi’s latest job experience is President Elect at Thomas College
What is Jeannine Uzzi’s latest education?
Jeannine Uzzi’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Hamilton College
Which industry does Jeannine Uzzi work in?
Jeannine Uzzi works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Jeannine Uzzi’s peers at other companies?
Jeannine Uzzi’s peers at other companies are Beth Brainard, Samuel Ausen, William Heineman, Falecia Williams, Cheryl Bull.
Who are Jeannine Uzzi’s colleagues?
Some of Jeannine Uzzi’s colleagues are Derek Dalrymple, Mitch Ryan, Carol Jollotta, Robert Kelsey.
How can I contact Jeannine Uzzi?
Jeannine Uzzi contact details: Email address: j*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jeannine Uzzi?

Jeannine Uzzi is the President Elect at Thomas College, based in the Portland, Maine Metropolitan Area. Prior to her current role, she served as the Vice President at Adair University. Uzzi holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Classical Studies from Duke University.... Read More

Where is Jeannine Uzzi based?
Jeannine Uzzi works for Thomas College, located at United States
Who is Thomas College’s President?
Thomas College's President is Jeannine Uzzi
See more information about Jeannine Uzzi

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