Jeannine KunzA+

Jeannine Kunz

Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer at SME

Jeannine Kunz Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(313) ***-****

Jeannine Kunz Current Workplace




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Jeannine Kunz Work Experience Summary

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About Jeannine Kunz

Jeannine Kunz is Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer for SME, effective January 1, 2025. Previously, Kunz served the company as Chief Workplace Development Officer.Explore more

Jeannine Kunz Current Workplace


2025-present (1 month)

Established in 1932, SME (the Society of Manufacturing Engineers) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of manufacturing. SME leads the industrial ecosystem by elevating manufacturers, academia and the communities in which they operate. Together we share one common belief: Manufacturing holds the key to economic growth and prosperity. SME helps unlock the full promise of manufacturing as an engine of commerce, progress and human potential. We believe in technology's power and humanity's innovation to advance our society and meet many of our biggest challenges. We design new ways to understand and solve problems, and our solutions advance the next wave of inspiration.

Jeannine Kunz Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer



Workforce Development Chief & Officer



Director, Marketing



Project Manager

Conventions, Sports & Leisure International




B. A. - Business and Marketing with a concentration in Economics

Eastern Michigan University

Org Chart - SME

Profile Picture

Executive Director & Chief Executiv...





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jeannine Kunz

What company does Jeannine Kunz work for?
Jeannine Kunz works for SME as Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer
What is Jeannine Kunz’s role in SME?
Jeannine Kunz’s role in SME is Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer
What is Jeannine Kunz’s email address?
Jeannine Kunz’s email address is j***
What is Jeannine Kunz’s business email address?
Jeannine Kunz’s business email address is j***
What is Jeannine Kunz’s direct phone number?
Jeannine Kunz’s direct phone number is (313) ***-****
What is Jeannine Kunz’s work phone number?
Jeannine Kunz’s headquarters phone number is (212) 924-5700
What is Jeannine Kunz’s latest job experience?
Jeannine Kunz’s latest job experience is Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer at S&ME
What is Jeannine Kunz’s latest education?
Jeannine Kunz’s latest education in B. A. - Business and Marketing with a concentration in Economics at Eastern Michigan University
Which industry does Jeannine Kunz work in?
Jeannine Kunz works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Jeannine Kunz’s peers at other companies?
Jeannine Kunz’s peers at other companies are Stacy Brungardt, Verjeana McCotter-Jacobs, Nathan Victoria, Karl Grindel, Alan Shark.
Who are Jeannine Kunz’s colleagues?
Some of Jeannine Kunz’s colleagues are Linda Yancey, Phillip Lytle, Lee Ila, Bev Hogan.
How can I contact Jeannine Kunz?
Jeannine Kunz contact details: Email address: j*** Phone number: (313) ***-****
Who is Jeannine Kunz?

Jeannine Kunz is Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer for SME, effective January 1, 2025. Previously, Kunz served the company as Chief Workplace Development Officer.... Read More

Where is Jeannine Kunz based?
Jeannine Kunz works for SME, located at United States
Who is SME’s Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer?
SME's Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer is Jeannine Kunz
See more information about Jeannine Kunz

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