
Jeannie Dawson

Customer Service at Aflac

Jeannie Dawson Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Jeannie Dawson Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees


About Jeannie Dawson

Jeannie Dawson is a Customer Service at Aflac based in Columbus, Georgia.

Jeannie Dawson Current Workplace


2015-present (10 years)

Aflac Incorporated is a Fortune 500 company, providing financial protection to millions of policyholders and customers through its subsidiaries in the U.S. and Japan. When a policyholder or insured gets sick or hurt, Aflac pays cash benefits promptly, for eligible claims, directly to the insured (unless assigned otherwise). For more than six decades, Aflac voluntary insurance policies have given policyholders the opportunity to focus on recovery, not financial stress.

Org Chart - Aflac

Jeannie Dawson

Customer Service

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jeannie Dawson

What company does Jeannie Dawson work for?
Jeannie Dawson works for Aflac as Customer Service
What is Jeannie Dawson’s role in Aflac?
Jeannie Dawson’s role in Aflac is Customer Service
What is Jeannie Dawson’s email address?
Jeannie Dawson’s email address is j***@aflac.com
What is Jeannie Dawson’s business email address?
Jeannie Dawson’s business email address is j***@aflac.com
What is Jeannie Dawson’s direct phone number?
Jeannie Dawson’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jeannie Dawson’s work phone number?
Jeannie Dawson’s headquarters phone number is (800) 992-3522
Which industry does Jeannie Dawson work in?
Jeannie Dawson works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Jeannie Dawson’s peers at other companies?
Jeannie Dawson’s peers at other companies are Roseanne Brown, JaToya Hargrett, Pablo Rodiriguez, Jean Costello, Courtney Pruitt.
Who are Jeannie Dawson’s colleagues?
Some of Jeannie Dawson’s colleagues are Keith Stevens, Lori Holstein, Kevin Young, Taylor Sartin.
How can I contact Jeannie Dawson?
Jeannie Dawson contact details: Email address: j***@aflac.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jeannie Dawson?

Jeannie Dawson is a Customer Service at Aflac based in Columbus, Georgia....

Where is Jeannie Dawson based?
Jeannie Dawson works for Aflac, located at United States