Jeannie Cote

Registered Teacher at Canadian Reiki Association

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About Jeannie Cote

Jeannie Cote is a Registered Teacher at Canadian Reiki Association based in Burlington, Ontario.Explore more

Jeannie Cote Current Workplace

Canadian Reiki Association

2023-present (2 years)

The Canadian Reiki Association (CRA) offers a platform for individuals interested in Reiki, providing resources such as training, certification programs, and a directory for finding practitioners and teachers. They promote various Reiki practices including Animal Reiki and sound healing, aiming to enhance holistic practices by offering recognized professional training. Membership options are available for associates, practitioners, and teachers, allowing access to exclusive resources and support. The CRA is dedicated to the professional development of its members while fostering a community centered around the practice of Reiki.

Org Chart - Canadian Reiki Association


Registered Teacher




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jeannie Cote

What company does Jeannie Cote work for?
Jeannie Cote works for Canadian Reiki Association as Registered Teacher
What is Jeannie Cote’s role in Canadian Reiki Association?
Jeannie Cote’s role in Canadian Reiki Association is Registered Teacher
What is Jeannie Cote’s direct phone number?
Jeannie Cote’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jeannie Cote’s work phone number?
Jeannie Cote’s headquarters phone number is (800) 835-7525
Which industry does Jeannie Cote work in?
Jeannie Cote works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Jeannie Cote’s peers at other companies?
Jeannie Cote’s peers at other companies are Ashley Dyer, Melanie Waldman, Allison Nolan, Caryl Leffel, Margaret St Johnston.
Who are Jeannie Cote’s colleagues?
Some of Jeannie Cote’s colleagues are Peter Zorzella, Torontoreikimaster Reiki.
Who is Jeannie Cote?

Jeannie Cote is a Registered Teacher at Canadian Reiki Association based in Burlington, Ontario.... Read More

Where is Jeannie Cote based?
Jeannie Cote works for Canadian Reiki Association, located at Canada
See more information about Jeannie Cote

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