
Jaziya Banu

Senior Quality Assurance Automation Engineer at Moody's

Jaziya Banu Email & Phone number


(415) ***-****

Jaziya Banu Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jaziya Banu Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jaziya Banu

Jaziya Banu is a Senior Quality Assurance Automation Engineer at Moody's based in New York City, New York. Previously, Jaziya was a Senior Quality Assurance Automation Engineer at Randstad Holding and also held positions at Acesse, Blackstone Technology Group, Berkeley, Citiustech, Ventyx Biosciences, HTC Global Services, Hamsen Technologies. Jaziya received a Master of Science degree from Robert Morris University.

Jaziya Banu Current Workplace


2015-present (9 years)

Moody's Corporation operates as an integrated risk assessment firm worldwide. It operates in two segments, Moody's Analytics and Moody's Investors Services. The Moody's Analytics segment develops a range of products and services that support the risk management activities of institutional participants in financial markets. It also offers credit research, credit models and analytics, economics data and models, and structured finance solutions; data sets on companies and securities; and SaaS solutions supporting banking, insurance, and know your customer workflows. The Moody's Investors Service segment publishes credit ratings and provides assessment services on various debt obligations, programs and facilities, and entities that issue such obligations, such as various corporate, financial institution, and governmental obligations, as well as structured finance securities. Moody's Corporation was founded in 1900 and is headquartered in New York, New York.

Jaziya Banu Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Quality Assurance Automation Engineer

Randstad Holding


Senior Quality Assurance Engineer



Automation Senior QA Engineer

Blackstone Technology Group


Senior Quality Assurance Engineer





Master of Science

Robert Morris University

Org Chart - Moody's

Jaziya Banu

Senior Quality Assurance Automation...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jaziya Banu

What company does Jaziya Banu work for?
Jaziya Banu works for Moody's as Senior Quality Assurance Automation Engineer
What is Jaziya Banu’s role in Moody's?
Jaziya Banu’s role in Moody's is Senior Quality Assurance Automation Engineer
What is Jaziya Banu’s email address?
Jaziya Banu’s email address is j***@moodys.com
What is Jaziya Banu’s business email address?
Jaziya Banu’s business email address is j***@moodys.com
What is Jaziya Banu’s direct phone number?
Jaziya Banu’s direct phone number is (415) ***-****
What is Jaziya Banu’s work phone number?
Jaziya Banu’s headquarters phone number is (212) 553-1653
What is Jaziya Banu’s latest job experience?
Jaziya Banu’s latest job experience is Senior Quality Assurance Automation Engineer at Randstad Holding
What is Jaziya Banu’s latest education?
Jaziya Banu’s latest education in Master of Science at Robert Morris University
Which industry does Jaziya Banu work in?
Jaziya Banu works in the industry of Investment Banking, Finance.
Who are Jaziya Banu’s peers at other companies?
Jaziya Banu’s peers at other companies are Carlos Vasquez, Daniel Sidler, Philippe Novikov, A. Thaneesha, Habeeb Rahman.
Who are Jaziya Banu’s colleagues?
Some of Jaziya Banu’s colleagues are Rachel Perrin, Raj Mandula, Brendan Mannion, David Moreno.
How can I contact Jaziya Banu?
Jaziya Banu contact details: Email address: j***@moodys.com Phone number: (415) ***-****
Who is Jaziya Banu?

Jaziya Banu is a Senior Quality Assurance Automation Engineer at Moody's based in New York City, New York. Previously, Jaziya was a Senior Quality Assurance Automation Engineer at Randstad Holding and also held positions at Acesse, Blackstone Technology Group, Berkeley, Citiustech, Ventyx Biosciences, HTC Global Services, Hamsen Technologies. Jaz... iya received a Master of Science degree from Robert Morris University.

Where is Jaziya Banu based?
Jaziya Banu works for Moody's, located at United States