Jay Leach

Jay Leach

Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer at Purpose Driven Home Health

Jay Leach Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Jay Leach Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jay Leach Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Jay Leach

Jay Leach is a Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer at Purpose Driven Home Health based in Bakersfield, California. Previously, Jay was a Project Manager at Marketing Alliance Group.

Jay Leach Current Workplace

Purpose Driven Home Health

2021-present (4 years)

Purpose Driven Home Health Makes The Difference! To provide professional and paraprofessional services to clients in their homes assisting them to achieve the highest level of potential in their day-to-day self care activities. We are committed to providing high quality, multi-disciplinary care by professionals who recognize the need for comprehensive assessment of needs from both the client and professional's point of view. We strive to be one of the leading providers of a wide range of quality home health care services, recognized for enduring dedication to provide innovative, professional, and compassionate care to the communities we serve. We provide compassionate and quality care. We have high star ratings by Medi-Care. We are locally owned in Bakersfield, California and we also cover out-of-areas. We are fast and have a reliable intake. Patients are admitted within 24-48 hours upon referral. Our staff is Wound Care Certified. Our staff also updates the referral sources with patieSee more

Jay Leach Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Project Manager

Marketing Alliance Group


Org Chart - Purpose Driven Home Health

Profile Picture

Jay Leach

Chief Operating Officer & Chief Fin...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jay Leach

What company does Jay Leach work for?
Jay Leach works for Purpose Driven Home Health as Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer
What is Jay Leach’s role in Purpose Driven Home Health?
Jay Leach’s role in Purpose Driven Home Health is Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer
What is Jay Leach’s direct phone number?
Jay Leach’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jay Leach’s work phone number?
Jay Leach’s headquarters phone number is (661) 412-9730
What is Jay Leach’s latest job experience?
Jay Leach’s latest job experience is Project Manager at Marketing Alliance Group
Which industry does Jay Leach work in?
Jay Leach works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Jay Leach’s peers at other companies?
Jay Leach’s peers at other companies are Denis Freynet, Michael Felberg, Joseph Kraichely, Michael Hanson.
Who are Jay Leach’s colleagues?
Some of Jay Leach’s colleagues are Elena Vasquez, Via Marte, Katrinna Ching-Altavas, Febizza Obar.
Who is Jay Leach?

Jay Leach is a Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer at Purpose Driven Home Health based in Bakersfield, California. Previously, Jay was a Project Manager at Marketing Alliance Group....

Where is Jay Leach based?
Jay Leach works for Purpose Driven Home Health, located at United States
Who is Purpose Driven Home Health’s Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer?
Purpose Driven Home Health's Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer is Jay Leach