2022-present (3 years)
Javier De Lama Email & Phone number
Javier De Lama Current Workplace
5015 N Hiatus Rd, Sunrise, Florida, 33351, United States
Phone Number
(561) 436-8001
Number of Employees
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Last Update 1/8/2025 12:14 AM
About Javier De Lama
Javier De Lama works at Draftel Plus, which is a Civil Engineering Construction company with an estimated 11 employees. Javier is currently based in Sunrise, Florida. Found email listings include: @draftelplus.com.Explore more
Javier De Lama Current Workplace
Draftel Plus
It was founded as a Holdings company, for another similar organization. That organization was founded by Gustavo Gordillo in March of 1997, as an Engineering firm to perform designs for the Telecommunications Industry. Then in 2016 Gustavo Gordillo decide to partner with an individual to open the construction division of the same designs performed at that time. The partnership recently part ways so both parties will pursue business for their own interest. Draftel +, will re-direct some of the engineering customers from the original organization, and will approach new ones to continue and develop the new operation. Draftel +, have an extensive engineering background and considered us as pioneers in the industry. Draftel + is an engineering company that was founded in May of 2016. It was created by Gustavo and Elizabeth Gordillo who have extensive experience with an engineering organization dating back from March of 1997. Quick Links
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