
Javed Ahmed

Chief Executive Officer at Jubilee Life Insurance

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(***) ***-****

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Javed Ahmed Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Javed Ahmed

Mr. Javed Ahmed is the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited. Mr. Ahmed has been associated with Jubilee Life since 1997 when he joined the Company as the Head of Operations. In 1999, he was made responsible for Business Development as Head of Sales & Marketing. He was elevated as the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer in 2002 when the Company was acquired by AKFED. Under his leadership, Jubilee Life has emerged as the largest private sector insurer in Pakistan. Prior to joining Jubilee Life, he was associated with EFU Life for 4 years and State Life for 7 years where he worked in Operations, Group & Pensions, Sales & Marketing and Actuarial. Mr. Ahmed is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (USA), Associate of Institute of Actuaries (Australia) and Fellow of the Pakistan Society of Actuaries.Explore more

Javed Ahmed Current Workplace

Jubilee Life Insurance

2002-present (23 years)

Jubilee Life Insurance Company, commonly known as Jubilee Life, is a Pakistani life insurance company which is a subsidiary of Swiss for-profit organization Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development. It is based in Karachi, Pakistan. It is the largest and the most profitable among private insurance companies in Pakistan.

Javed Ahmed Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Head of Sales & Marketing

Jubilee Life Insurance


Head of Operations

Jubilee Life Insurance


Assistant General Manager

EFU Life Assurance


Deputy Chief Manger

EFU Life Assurance




Bachelors of Science degree

McMaster University

Executive MBA

Org Chart - Jubilee Life Insurance

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Javed Ahmed

What company does Javed Ahmed work for?
Javed Ahmed works for Jubilee Life Insurance as Chief Executive Officer
What is Javed Ahmed’s role in Jubilee Life Insurance?
Javed Ahmed’s role in Jubilee Life Insurance is Chief Executive Officer
What is Javed Ahmed’s email address?
Javed Ahmed’s email address is j***@jubileelife.com
What is Javed Ahmed’s business email address?
Javed Ahmed’s business email address is j***@jubileelife.com
What is Javed Ahmed’s direct phone number?
Javed Ahmed’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Javed Ahmed’s work phone number?
Javed Ahmed’s headquarters phone number is +92 2135205094
What is Javed Ahmed’s latest job experience?
Javed Ahmed’s latest job experience is Head of Sales & Marketing at Jubilee Life Insurance
What is Javed Ahmed’s latest education?
Javed Ahmed’s latest education in Bachelors of Science degree at McMaster University
Which industry does Javed Ahmed work in?
Javed Ahmed works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Javed Ahmed’s peers at other companies?
Javed Ahmed’s peers at other companies are Jonathan Cross, Marina Owen, Andy Taylor, Aman Chowla, Dave Moore.
Who are Javed Ahmed’s colleagues?
Some of Javed Ahmed’s colleagues are Adriel Mapesa, Qaiser Afridi, Tauheed Ahmed, Sharon Alur.
How can I contact Javed Ahmed?
Javed Ahmed contact details: Email address: j***@jubileelife.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Javed Ahmed?

Mr. Javed Ahmed is the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited. Mr. Ahmed has been associated with Jubilee Life since 1997 when he joined the Company as the Head of Operations. In 1999, he was made responsible for Business Development as Head of Sales & Marketing. He was elevated as the Managing Direc... tor and Chief Executive Officer in 2002 when the Company was acquired by AKFED. Under his leadership, Jubilee Life has emerged as the largest private sector insurer in Pakistan. Prior to joining Jubilee Life, he was associated with EFU Life for 4 years and State Life for 7 years where he worked in Operations, Group & Pensions, Sales & Marketing and Actuarial. Mr. Ahmed is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (USA), Associate of Institute of Actuaries (Australia) and Fellow of the Pakistan Society of Actuaries.Read More

Where is Javed Ahmed based?
Javed Ahmed works for Jubilee Life Insurance, located at Pakistan
Who is Jubilee Life Insurance’s Chief Executive Officer?
Jubilee Life Insurance's Chief Executive Officer is Javed Ahmed
See more information about Javed Ahmed

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