2024-present (11 months)
Jaspal Rawat Email & Phone number
Jaspal Rawat Current Workplace
124 Grenzacherstrasse, Basel, Basel-City, 4070, Switzerland
+41 616881111
Number of Employees
Jaspal Rawat Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
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7About Jaspal Rawat
Jaspal Rawat is a Director, Engineering at Roche based in Basel, Basel-City.
Previously, Jaspal was a Senior Manager, Engineering at Roche and also held positions at Eaton, Caterpillar.
Jaspal Rawat Current Workplace
For more than 125 years, Roche has worked to improve the health of countless people all over the world. With the trust of our shareholders and guided by scientific progress, we will continue to identify and seize opportunities well into the future.
Jaspal Rawat Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jaspal Rawat
Jaspal Rawat is a Director, Engineering at Roche based in Basel, Basel-City. Previously, Jaspal was a Senior Manager, Engineering at Roche and also held positions at Eaton, Caterpillar....