2023-present (1 year)
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Jason Eppard Current Workplace
150 Jefferson St, Norwalk, Ohio, 44857, United States
(419) 668-1997
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Jason Eppard Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
8Average duration at a company (years)
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8Last Update 12/3/2024 1:30 AM
About Jason Eppard
Jason Eppard is a Shipping and Receiving Lead at Packaging & Pads-R-Us based in Milan, Ohio.
Previously, Jason was a Shipping and Receiving at Advanced Tank Technologies and also held positions at Magna International, First Solar.
Jason Eppard Current Workplace
Huron County Engineers
THE HURON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE AT: 419-668-6912 The Ohio Revised Code requires that each Ohio County Engineer publish an annual report to the commissioners outlining the general condition of the roads and bridges in their county. Below is a link to the recently released 2019 Huron County Engineer's Office Annual Report. The Huron County Engineers office is responsible for snow and ice control on 225 miles of county roads. The County road system is broken into 7 or 8 plow routes depending on the severity of the storm with each route taking approximately 4 hours to complete. These routes combined can cost up to $6,000 for labor, equipment and material to clear snow and ice. The routes require our trucks to travel over 500 miles, use 150 gallons of fuel and spread 240,000lbs of a salt/grit mixture. We have 10 plow trucks at the ready and are staffed to be able to plow 24 hours a day 7 days a week! The map below shows the Huron County Engineers Office plow routes. All other roads not inSee more
Jason Eppard Work Experience & Education
Org Chart - Huron County Engineers
Jason Eppard
Highway Maintenance Worker
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jason Eppard
Jason Eppard is a Shipping and Receiving Lead at Packaging & Pads-R-Us based in Milan, Ohio. Previously, Jason was a Shipping and Receiving at Advanced Tank Technologies and also held positions at Magna International, First Solar....