
Jasmine Lam

Project Manager at Hollander Design

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(***) ***-****

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Jasmine Lam Work Experience Summary

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About Jasmine Lam

Jasmine Lam is a Project Manager at Hollander Design. They are responsible for overseeing the successful completion of various design projects. Prior to their current role, Jasmine held a position at Kai Tak Sports Park. Jasmine holds a Master of Landscape Architecture degree from The University of Hong Kong, where they developed their expertise in sustainable urban planning and design.Explore more

Jasmine Lam Current Workplace

Hollander Design

2024-present (1 year)

Hollander Design| Landscape Architects creates gardens filled with unexpected textures, colors and sounds that appeal to all the senses, inviting you to truly live in the landscape. We design gardens and landscapes at every scale, from sweeping country estates and exquisite urban terraces to the nations leading cultural institutions. Our deep respect for the sites natural ecology, its architectural ecology, and its human ecology meaning the ways in which people will use the property creates artful, enduring and eloquent outdoor experiences. We regularly collaborate with the notable architects and architecture firms of our time. Our work can be found from the Hamptons to Hong Kong and is frequently featured in the New York Times, Architectural Digest, and House Beautiful, and numerous books on landscapes and gardens. The firm is the exclusive focus of three books. Hollander Design is one of few landscape architecture firms to be named to the AD 100 list of Top Architects & Designers. WeSee more

Jasmine Lam Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Hoerr Schaudt


Resident Landscape Architect

Kai Tak Sports Park


Assistant Resident Landscape Architect



Landscape Designer



Org Chart - Hollander Design


Project Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jasmine Lam

What company does Jasmine Lam work for?
Jasmine Lam works for Hollander Design as Project Manager
What is Jasmine Lam’s role in Hollander Design?
Jasmine Lam’s role in Hollander Design is Project Manager
What is Jasmine Lam’s email address?
Jasmine Lam’s email address is j***@hollanderdesign.com
What is Jasmine Lam’s business email address?
Jasmine Lam’s business email address is j***@hollanderdesign.com
What is Jasmine Lam’s direct phone number?
Jasmine Lam’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jasmine Lam’s work phone number?
Jasmine Lam’s headquarters phone number is (212) 473-0620
What is Jasmine Lam’s latest job experience?
Jasmine Lam’s latest job experience is Associate at Hoerr Schaudt
Which industry does Jasmine Lam work in?
Jasmine Lam works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Jasmine Lam’s peers at other companies?
Jasmine Lam’s peers at other companies are John Gjieli, Francisco Funes, Catlett John, Tom Wonder, Raghava Ram.
Who are Jasmine Lam’s colleagues?
Some of Jasmine Lam’s colleagues are Ritchie Tumulak, Rebecca Tran, Jeff McLeod, Jasmine Lam.
How can I contact Jasmine Lam?
Jasmine Lam contact details: Email address: j***@hollanderdesign.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jasmine Lam?

Jasmine Lam is a Project Manager at Hollander Design. They are responsible for overseeing the successful completion of various design projects. Prior to their current role, Jasmine held a position at Kai Tak Sports Park. Jasmine holds a Master of Landscape Architecture degree from The University of Hong Kong, where they developed their expertise in... sustainable urban planning and design.Read More

Where is Jasmine Lam based?
Jasmine Lam works for Hollander Design, located at United States
See more information about Jasmine Lam

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