
Jasmin Pimentel-Camio

Developoment Specialist III at Division of Child and Family Services

Jasmin Pimentel-Camio Email & Phone number


(702) ***-****

Jasmin Pimentel-Camio Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees


Jasmin Pimentel-Camio Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jasmin Pimentel-Camio

Jasmin Pimentel-Camio is a Developoment Specialist III at Division of Child and Family Services based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Previously, Jasmin was a Pcw Ii at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Jasmin Pimentel-Camio Current Workplace

Division of Child and Family Services is a company that operates in the Government industry. It employs 250to499 people and has 25Mto50M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Jasmin Pimentel-Camio Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Org Chart - Division of Child and Family Services

Jasmin Pimentel-Cam...

Developoment Specialist III

Intent on Jasmin Pimentel-Camio's Company


Interest in Jasmin Pimentel-Camio's Company

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jasmin Pimentel-Camio

What company does Jasmin Pimentel-Camio work for?
Jasmin Pimentel-Camio works for Division of Child and Family Services as Developoment Specialist III
What is Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s role in Division of Child and Family Services?
Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s role in Division of Child and Family Services is Developoment Specialist III
What is Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s email address?
Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s email address is j***@dcfs.nv.gov
What is Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s business email address?
Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s business email address is j***@dcfs.nv.gov
What is Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s direct phone number?
Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s direct phone number is (702) ***-****
What is Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s work phone number?
Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s headquarters phone number is (702) 486-5080
What is Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s latest job experience?
Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s latest job experience is Pcw Ii at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Which industry does Jasmin Pimentel-Camio work in?
Jasmin Pimentel-Camio works in the industry of Government.
Who are Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s colleagues?
Some of Jasmin Pimentel-Camio’s colleagues are Bruce Cole, Jose Hernandez, Lisa Alfred, Jiofak Signi.
How can I contact Jasmin Pimentel-Camio?
Jasmin Pimentel-Camio contact details: Email address: j***@dcfs.nv.gov Phone number: (702) ***-****
Who is Jasmin Pimentel-Camio?

Jasmin Pimentel-Camio is a Developoment Specialist III at Division of Child and Family Services based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Previously, Jasmin was a Pcw Ii at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services....

Where is Jasmin Pimentel-Camio based?
Jasmin Pimentel-Camio works for Division of Child and Family Services, located at United States