Jaslyn Leong

Senior Sales Engineer at ANDRITZ

Jaslyn Leong Email & Phone number

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+65 **** ****

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About Jaslyn Leong

Jaslyn Leong is a Senior Sales Engineer at ANDRITZ based in Graz, Nan.Explore more

Jaslyn Leong Current Workplace


2008-present (16 years)

ANDRITZ is an international technology group providing plants, systems, equipment, and services for various industries. The company is one of the technology and global market leaders in the hydropower business, the pulp and paper industry, the metal working and steel industries, and in solid/liquid separation in the municipal and industrial segments. The listed Group is headquartered in Graz, Austria. Since its foundation 170 years ago, ANDRITZ has developed into a Group with approximately 29,900 employees, and more than 280 locations in over 40 countries worldwide. As a reliable and competent partner, ANDRITZ supports its customers in achieving corporate and sustainability goals. ANDRITZ stands for passion, partnership, perspectives and versatility – core values to which the company is committed.

Org Chart - ANDRITZ


Senior Sales Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jaslyn Leong

What company does Jaslyn Leong work for?
Jaslyn Leong works for ANDRITZ as Senior Sales Engineer
What is Jaslyn Leong’s role in ANDRITZ?
Jaslyn Leong’s role in ANDRITZ is Senior Sales Engineer
What is Jaslyn Leong’s email address?
Jaslyn Leong’s email address is j***@andritz.com
What is Jaslyn Leong’s business email address?
Jaslyn Leong’s business email address is j***@andritz.com
What is Jaslyn Leong’s direct phone number?
Jaslyn Leong’s direct phone number is +65 **** ****
What is Jaslyn Leong’s work phone number?
Jaslyn Leong’s headquarters phone number is +43 31669020
Which industry does Jaslyn Leong work in?
Jaslyn Leong works in the industry of Construction General, Construction.
Who are Jaslyn Leong’s peers at other companies?
Jaslyn Leong’s peers at other companies are Aaron Runge, Dhruv Suthar, Glen Smith, Shri Deshmukh, Saad Sheerazi.
Who are Jaslyn Leong’s colleagues?
Some of Jaslyn Leong’s colleagues are Aleksey Osipenkov, Sohail Nazari, Mauricio Recalcatti, Paul Zerbe.
How can I contact Jaslyn Leong?
Jaslyn Leong contact details: Email address: j***@andritz.com Phone number: +65 **** ****
Who is Jaslyn Leong?

Jaslyn Leong is a Senior Sales Engineer at ANDRITZ based in Graz, Nan.... Read More

Where is Jaslyn Leong based?
Jaslyn Leong works for ANDRITZ, located at Austria
See more information about Jaslyn Leong

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