Jared Bailey

Physical Therapist at Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy Group

Jared Bailey Email & Phone number


(805) ***-****

Jared Bailey Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jared Bailey Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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About Jared Bailey

Jared Bailey is a Physical Therapist at Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy Group based in Santa Maria, California. Jared received a Bachelors Degree degree from Ohio University.

Jared Bailey Current Workplace

Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy is an outpatient clinic providing quality care to the Santa Maria community since 1985. Their services include occupational therapy, pelvic health, aquatic therapy, and exercise education classes, with a focus on keeping clients moving and active. The clinic also offers specialized treatments for women's health, sports rehabilitation, and core rehabilitation. Led by experienced professionals like Samantha Stollberg, PT, PRPC, and Karen Bailey, PT, who specialize in pelvic health.

Jared Bailey Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelors Degree

Ohio University
Andrews University

Org Chart - Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy Group

Jared Bailey

Physical Therapist

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jared Bailey

What company does Jared Bailey work for?
Jared Bailey works for Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy Group as Physical Therapist
What is Jared Bailey’s role in Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy Group?
Jared Bailey’s role in Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy Group is Physical Therapist
What is Jared Bailey’s email address?
Jared Bailey’s email address is j***@smvpt.com
What is Jared Bailey’s business email address?
Jared Bailey’s business email address is j***@smvpt.com
What is Jared Bailey’s direct phone number?
Jared Bailey’s direct phone number is (805) ***-****
What is Jared Bailey’s work phone number?
Jared Bailey’s headquarters phone number is (805) 928-8257
What is Jared Bailey’s latest education?
Jared Bailey’s latest education in Bachelors Degree at Ohio University
Which industry does Jared Bailey work in?
Jared Bailey works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Jared Bailey’s peers at other companies?
Jared Bailey’s peers at other companies are Chad Zimecki, Cory Horstmann, Carter Hoffman, Jeanie Pt, Tyler Brown.
Who are Jared Bailey’s colleagues?
Some of Jared Bailey’s colleagues are Todd Martin, Laurie Fylstra, Thomas Meenzhuber.
How can I contact Jared Bailey?
Jared Bailey contact details: Email address: j***@smvpt.com Phone number: (805) ***-****
Who is Jared Bailey?

Jared Bailey is a Physical Therapist at Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy Group based in Santa Maria, California. Jared received a Bachelors Degree degree from Ohio University....

Where is Jared Bailey based?
Jared Bailey works for Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy Group, located at United States