
Janet Warren

Educator at The Church of Christ

Janet Warren Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Janet Warren Current Workplace


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About Janet Warren

Janet Warren is an Educator at The Church of Christ based in Tyler, Texas.Explore more

Janet Warren Current Workplace

The Church of Christ

2020-present (4 years)

To provide a place and environment where one anyone can worship and serve the Lord. Our aim is to practice non-denominational, New Testament Christianity, believing that the Word of God is the standard in religious doctrine. We accept baptism, (immersion in the water) as the only way to enter Christ. This act, preceded by repentance and confession of faith in Christ makes one a Christian and welcome into our spiritual family. SouthCentral Church of Christ values offering God-spirited praise and worship. Were always building upon our loving, diversified, family atmosphere. We foster spirit-guided Biblical teaching, taking pride in our fellowship and inclusiveness. We teach and promote Christ in our community by empowering individuals to reach their fullest potential on earth and eternal life in Heaven.

Org Chart - The Church of Christ






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Janet Warren

What company does Janet Warren work for?
Janet Warren works for The Church of Christ as Educator
What is Janet Warren’s role in The Church of Christ?
Janet Warren’s role in The Church of Christ is Educator
What is Janet Warren’s email address?
Janet Warren’s email address is j***@sctyler.com
What is Janet Warren’s business email address?
Janet Warren’s business email address is j***@sctyler.com
What is Janet Warren’s direct phone number?
Janet Warren’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Janet Warren’s work phone number?
Janet Warren’s headquarters phone number is (903) 630-7171
Which industry does Janet Warren work in?
Janet Warren works in the industry of Religious Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Janet Warren’s peers at other companies?
Janet Warren’s peers at other companies are Patty Marcey, Wendy Rozov, Anthonia Agbame, Nadia Moldaver, Robert Anderson.
Who are Janet Warren’s colleagues?
Some of Janet Warren’s colleagues are Lynn Bowdre, Paula Loftin, ReNissa Wade, Gloria Bell.
How can I contact Janet Warren?
Janet Warren contact details: Email address: j***@sctyler.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Janet Warren?

Janet Warren is an Educator at The Church of Christ based in Tyler, Texas.... Read More

Where is Janet Warren based?
Janet Warren works for The Church of Christ, located at United States
See more information about Janet Warren

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