2024-present (4 months)
Janet Dees
Assistant Director of Arts at National Museum of African American History & Culture
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Number of companies worked for
13Average duration at a company (years)
5Number of job titles
16About Janet Dees
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Janet Dees Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
13Average duration at a company (years)
5Number of job titles
16Work Experience
Steven and Lisa Munster Tananbaum Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art
Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University2017-2024
Mary and Leigh Block Museum, Northwestern University2015-2017
Bachelor of Arts - Art History, African American Studies
Fordham UniversityMaster of Arts - Art History
University of DelawareDoctor of Philosophy - candidate, Art History
University of DelawareFind Out if Janet is a Potential Buyer with ZoomInfo Copilot 
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Recent News About Janet Dees
Staff: Block Museum - Northwestern University
Obscuring and Revealing: Janet Dees and Bethany Collins in Conversation at Auburn Forum for.. .Staff: Block Museum - Northwestern University
Janet Dees and Tamar Kharatishvili, April 18, 2018, THE SEENStaff: Block Museum - Northwestern University
Exhibition Gallery Talk: A Site of Struggle with curator Janet DeesStaff: Block Museum - Northwestern University
Exhibition Gallery Talk: A Site of Struggle with curator Janet Dees Janet Dees Janet Dees
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Janet Dees
I develop exhibitions in the areas of modern and contemporary art, and as part of the curatorial team work to strategically expand the museum’s collection in those areas. My research foci include contemporary art in the Americas, performance art, the construction of race in American art, and the ways in which contemporary artists engage with hist... Read More