2018-present (6 years)
Janelle Jeske Email & Phone number
Janelle Jeske Current Workplace
239 7th St W, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55102, United States
Phone Number
(651) 292-1185
Number of Employees
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Last Update 12/26/2024 9:27 PM
About Janelle Jeske
Janelle Jeske works at Wholesale Imprints & Promotions, which is an Advertising & Marketing company. Janelle is currently based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Found email listings include: @wholesaleimprints.com.Explore more
Janelle Jeske Current Workplace
Wholesale Imprints & Promotions
WHO ARE WE...Since 1984, Jim and Steve Leventhal have been providing high quality custom apparel and promotional products to clients across the country.Jim and Steve's personal service and dedication are the foundation of their business and has helped Wholesale Imprints and Promotions grow to one of the largest local distributers in Minnesota. We have access to over 500,000 promotional advertising products. We specialize in Imprinting your Name, Logo and Slogan on any imprintable item, to convey your important message. We have a unique way of showing you the most effective method of advertising and getting the highest return on your investment. We work with a variety of industries to accommodate their business and gift needs. Our creative ideas, knowledge and imagination will find solutions for your companys challenges. Wholesale Imprints and Promotions has a variety of exciting products with a wide range of price points that will fit your budget. If you have a product in mind, we willSee more
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