Janaina Cardoso

University Teacher at Sistema Labgis/UERJ

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About Janaina Cardoso

Janaina Cardoso is an University Teacher at Sistema Labgis/UERJ based in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.Explore more

Janaina Cardoso Current Workplace

Sistema Labgis/UERJ

1996-present (29 years)

O Labgis Extensão compõe o Laboratório de Geotecnologias - LABGIS - da Faculdade de Geologia da UERJ. Com um catálogo com 15 cursos, oferecemos desde 2006 capacitação dentro das principais áreas das Geotecnologias. Todos os cursos são reconhecidos pela UERJ e certificados pela Sub-reitoria de Extensão da UERJ. Nossa missão: preparar nossos alunos para o sucesso, focando no uso prático das ferramentas, porém ensinando os conceitos inerentes a área de Geotecnologias com a qualidade que só a UERJ pode oferecer.

Org Chart - Sistema Labgis/UERJ


University Teacher




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Janaina Cardoso

What company does Janaina Cardoso work for?
Janaina Cardoso works for Sistema Labgis/UERJ as University Teacher
What is Janaina Cardoso’s role in Sistema Labgis/UERJ?
Janaina Cardoso’s role in Sistema Labgis/UERJ is University Teacher
What is Janaina Cardoso’s direct phone number?
Janaina Cardoso’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Janaina Cardoso’s work phone number?
Janaina Cardoso’s headquarters phone number is +55 2123340832
Which industry does Janaina Cardoso work in?
Janaina Cardoso works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Janaina Cardoso’s peers at other companies?
Janaina Cardoso’s peers at other companies are David Lefèvre, Nadia Aly, Nelson Tondolo, Sérgio Neves, Alejandro Moran.
Who are Janaina Cardoso’s colleagues?
Some of Janaina Cardoso’s colleagues are Edson Pinheiro, Daniella Mulinari, Jorge Clair, Ney Mello.
Who is Janaina Cardoso?

Janaina Cardoso is an University Teacher at Sistema Labgis/UERJ based in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.... Read More

Where is Janaina Cardoso based?
Janaina Cardoso works for Sistema Labgis/UERJ, located at Brazil
See more information about Janaina Cardoso

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