
Jana Endler

Certified Public Accountant at Andre + Associates

Jana Endler Email & Phone number

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(972) ***-****

Jana Endler Current Workplace



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About Jana Endler

Jana manages the firm’s business tax department, providing services for business tax returns, individual tax returns, payroll and accounting.  She has worked in public accounting since 1994.  She earned her Bachelor of Science in Accounting Control Systems from the University of North Texas in 2006.  Jana became a CPA in 2009. She is a member of the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Jana joined the firm in 2017 and became partner in 2022. Jana and her husband have a daughter, two dogs; a Shorkie and a Chihuahua.  When Jana is not working, she relaxes by playing the piano, reading, bird watching, or listening to Gospel music.  She is involved in her local church as a Sunday School teacher for children ages 6-11.Explore more

Jana Endler Current Workplace

Andre + Associates

2016-present (8 years)

ANDRE + ASSOCIATES, PC specializes in tax strategy planning for individuals, companies, and estates. They offer customized tax strategies, tax planning services, hassle-free QuickBooks setup, and education and training with QuickBooks. Their target clients include individuals, businesses, estates, and trusts looking to save on taxes and optimize financial health.

Jana Endler Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience



Bachelor of Science

University of North Texas
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - Andre + Associates


Certified Public Accountant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jana Endler

What company does Jana Endler work for?
Jana Endler works for Andre + Associates as Certified Public Accountant
What is Jana Endler’s role in Andre + Associates?
Jana Endler’s role in Andre + Associates is Certified Public Accountant
What is Jana Endler’s email address?
Jana Endler’s email address is j***@andrecpa.com
What is Jana Endler’s business email address?
Jana Endler’s business email address is j***@andrecpa.com
What is Jana Endler’s direct phone number?
Jana Endler’s direct phone number is (972) ***-****
What is Jana Endler’s work phone number?
Jana Endler’s headquarters phone number is (972) 548-1040
What is Jana Endler’s latest job experience?
Jana Endler’s latest job experience is Cpa at Adami Lindsey
What is Jana Endler’s latest education?
Jana Endler’s latest education in Bachelor of Science at University of North Texas
Which industry does Jana Endler work in?
Jana Endler works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Jana Endler’s peers at other companies?
Jana Endler’s peers at other companies are Sherry Riley, Bob Bobson, Ilinda Parham, Teresa Cozzi, Dennis Burke.
Who are Jana Endler’s colleagues?
Some of Jana Endler’s colleagues are Debra Walton, Genesis Aguilar, Shierelyn Saballo, Carol Fleming.
How can I contact Jana Endler?
Jana Endler contact details: Email address: j***@andrecpa.com Phone number: (972) ***-****
Who is Jana Endler?

Jana manages the firm’s business tax department, providing services for business tax returns, individual tax returns, payroll and accounting.  She has worked in public accounting since 1994.  She earned her Bachelor of Science in Accounting Control Systems from the University of North Texas in 2006.  Jana became a CPA in 2009. She is a member of th... e Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Jana joined the firm in 2017 and became partner in 2022. Jana and her husband have a daughter, two dogs; a Shorkie and a Chihuahua.  When Jana is not working, she relaxes by playing the piano, reading, bird watching, or listening to Gospel music.  She is involved in her local church as a Sunday School teacher for children ages 6-11.Read More

Where is Jana Endler based?
Jana Endler works for Andre + Associates, located at United States
See more information about Jana Endler

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