James Turpin

President at Custom Interchem

James Turpin Email & Phone number

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(281) ***-****

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About James Turpin

James Turpin works as a President at Custom Interchem, which is a Manufacturing company with an estimated 4 employees. They are part of C-Suite Department and their management level is C-Level. James is currently based in Sugar Land, Texas. Found email listings include: j***@custominterchem.com.Explore more

James Turpin Current Workplace

Custom Interchem

2013-present (11 years)

Custom Interchem buys and sells a variety of spec and off-spec products from the petroleum and petro-chemical industry: 1) By-Product Streams 2) Acids/Alkali 3) Alcohols 4) Aliphatic Solvents 5) Amines 6) Aromatic Solvents 7) Chlorinated Solvents 8) Ester Solvents 9) Glycols 10) Intermediates 11) Petroleum Products: Finished & Base 12) Transmix 13) Plastics 14) Vegetable Oils If you are searching for an agent to represent your product(s) then please call us. We do business all across the US/Canada and therefore, have contacts in a multitude of industries. Let us help you.

Org Chart - Custom Interchem






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding James Turpin

What company does James Turpin work for?
James Turpin works for Custom Interchem as President
What is James Turpin’s role in Custom Interchem?
James Turpin’s role in Custom Interchem is President
What is James Turpin’s direct phone number?
James Turpin’s direct phone number is (281) ***-****
What is James Turpin’s work phone number?
James Turpin’s headquarters phone number is (281) 277-7555
Which industry does James Turpin work in?
James Turpin works in the industry of Manufacturing General, Manufacturing.
Who are James Turpin’s peers at other companies?
James Turpin’s peers at other companies are Greg Davis, Alex Pomares, Mark Steinhardt, Paul Crystal, Ron Breakstone.
Who are James Turpin’s colleagues?
Some of James Turpin’s colleagues are Elizabeth Schelski.
Where is James Turpin based?
James Turpin works for Custom Interchem, located at United States
Who is Custom Interchem’s President?
Custom Interchem's President is James Turpin
See more information about James Turpin

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