
James Stolzenbach

Chief Development Officer at Nephraegis Therapeutics

James Stolzenbach Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

James Stolzenbach Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

James Stolzenbach Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About James Stolzenbach

James Stolzenbach is a Chief Development Officer at Nephraegis Therapeutics based in Lake Forest, Illinois. Previously, James was a President at Jim Stolzenbach Consulting and also held positions at TRIZETTO GROUP, Pfizer, Monsanto. James received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Oregon State University.

James Stolzenbach Current Workplace

Nephraegis Therapeutics

2018-present (7 years)

Nephraegis Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical company targeting acute kidney injury (AKI) through its development of a family of proprietary drug candidates that have great promise to prevent and treat AKI. Their lead compound NPH-022 is an epoxyeicosatrienoic-related compound (EET) with optimized pharmacokinetic properties.

James Stolzenbach Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Vice President



Vice President Cardiometabolic



Project Leader





Doctor of Philosophy

Oregon State University

Org Chart - Nephraegis Therapeutics

James Stolzenbach

Chief Development Officer

Recent News About James Stolzenbach

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding James Stolzenbach

What company does James Stolzenbach work for?
James Stolzenbach works for Nephraegis Therapeutics as Chief Development Officer
What is James Stolzenbach’s role in Nephraegis Therapeutics?
James Stolzenbach’s role in Nephraegis Therapeutics is Chief Development Officer
What is James Stolzenbach’s email address?
James Stolzenbach’s email address is j***@nephraegis.com
What is James Stolzenbach’s business email address?
James Stolzenbach’s business email address is j***@nephraegis.com
What is James Stolzenbach’s direct phone number?
James Stolzenbach’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is James Stolzenbach’s work phone number?
James Stolzenbach’s headquarters phone number is (815) 687-6843
What is James Stolzenbach’s latest job experience?
James Stolzenbach’s latest job experience is President at Jim Stolzenbach Consulting
What is James Stolzenbach’s latest education?
James Stolzenbach’s latest education in Doctor of Philosophy at Oregon State University
Which industry does James Stolzenbach work in?
James Stolzenbach works in the industry of Medical Testing & Clinical Laboratories, Healthcare.
Who are James Stolzenbach’s peers at other companies?
James Stolzenbach’s peers at other companies are Richard Groberg, Laura Fitch, Daniel Gofman, Anthony Belott, David Sopp.
How can I contact James Stolzenbach?
James Stolzenbach contact details: Email address: j***@nephraegis.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is James Stolzenbach?

James Stolzenbach is a Chief Development Officer at Nephraegis Therapeutics based in Lake Forest, Illinois. Previously, James was a President at Jim Stolzenbach Consulting and also held positions at TRIZETTO GROUP, Pfizer, Monsanto. James received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Oregon State University....

Where is James Stolzenbach based?
James Stolzenbach works for Nephraegis Therapeutics, located at United States
Who is Nephraegis Therapeutics’s Chief Development Officer?
Nephraegis Therapeutics's Chief Development Officer is James Stolzenbach