James Rawle

Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Pattaya Printspace

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(***) ***-****

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James Rawle Work Experience Summary

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About James Rawle

James Rawle is a Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Pattaya Printspace based in Chon Buri, Chon Buri. Previously, James was a Regional Sales Manager at Office Depot UK.Explore more

James Rawle Current Workplace

Pattaya Printspace

2012-present (13 years)

Pattaya PrintSpace offers custom T shirt printing worldwide as well as T shirt printing in Bangkok, Phuket and our head office in Pattaya. This includes custom soccer uniforms, football kits, custom basketball jerseys, volleyball and any kind of custom sports uniforms. Although we do focus on sports uniforms we firmly believe that we lead the way when it comes to custom sports and apparel sublimation printing. We produce MMA Muay Thai and fight wear gear for gyms around the world as well as offering custom printed polos and T shirts for workwear golf and corporate events. We pride ourselves on our high quality designs and prints using the very best of fabrics delivered in a professional and easy manner. We also offer other services such as heat transfer printing and can offer custom name and numbers to your sports team orders, we can ship all around the world using our DHL door to door service. For our T shirt printing, we only offer high-quality designs that are always delivered on thSee more

James Rawle Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Worldwide Sportkits


Regional Sales Manager

Office Depot UK


Org Chart - Pattaya Printspace

Founder & Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding James Rawle

What company does James Rawle work for?
James Rawle works for Pattaya Printspace as Founder & Chief Executive Officer
What is James Rawle’s role in Pattaya Printspace?
James Rawle’s role in Pattaya Printspace is Founder & Chief Executive Officer
What is James Rawle’s email address?
James Rawle’s email address is j***@pattayaprintspace.com
What is James Rawle’s business email address?
James Rawle’s business email address is j***@pattayaprintspace.com
What is James Rawle’s direct phone number?
James Rawle’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is James Rawle’s work phone number?
James Rawle’s headquarters phone number is +66 859105541
What is James Rawle’s latest job experience?
James Rawle’s latest job experience is Founder at Worldwide Sportkits
Which industry does James Rawle work in?
James Rawle works in the industry of Manufacturing General, Manufacturing.
Who are James Rawle’s peers at other companies?
James Rawle’s peers at other companies are Pamela Munson, Jaye G., Elle Czyz, Andrew Gibbsdabney, Paul Farago.
Who are James Rawle’s colleagues?
Some of James Rawle’s colleagues are Jennifer Horne.
How can I contact James Rawle?
James Rawle contact details: Email address: j***@pattayaprintspace.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is James Rawle?

James Rawle is a Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Pattaya Printspace based in Chon Buri, Chon Buri. Previously, James was a Regional Sales Manager at Office Depot UK.... Read More

Where is James Rawle based?
James Rawle works for Pattaya Printspace, located at Thailand
Who is Pattaya Printspace’s Founder & Chief Executive Officer?
Pattaya Printspace's Founder & Chief Executive Officer is James Rawle
See more information about James Rawle

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