1981-present (44 years)
James Davidson Email & Phone number
James Davidson Current Workplace
900 N Franklin St Ste 600, Chicago, Illinois, 60610, United States
Phone Number
(312) 926-3930
Number of Employees
James Davidson Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
24Number of job titles
2About James Davidson
Jim Davidson is President of EOI Service Company, Inc. and a founder of the company. Recognized as an expert in voluntary benefit programs, Jim has published numerous articles on voluntary benefits and related topics and has been a featured speaker in both life insurance and benefits industry association meetings nationwide. Jim is a past director of the Chicago Association of Life Underwriters, a past member of the Employee Benefits Committee of the Illinois CPA Society, and past President of the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists. He was inducted into the International Worksite Marketing Hall of Fame in 1999 and, in 2009, was named Benefits Selling Magazines Broker of the Year.
James Davidson Current Workplace
EOI Service Co
Founded in 1979 and headquartered in Santa Ana, California, EOI Service Company is a national benefits communication and enrollment firm.
James Davidson Work Experience & Education
Recent News About James Davidson
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding James Davidson
Jim Davidson is President of EOI Service Company, Inc. and a founder of the company. Recognized as an expert in voluntary benefit programs, Jim has published numerous articles on voluntary benefits and related topics and has been a featured speaker in both life insurance and benefits industry association meetings nationwide. Jim is a past director...