James Binley

Professor at San Diego Biomedical Research Institute

James Binley Email & Phone number


(858) ***-****

James Binley Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

James Binley Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About James Binley

James Binley, Professor at the San Diego Biomedical Research Institute, is an accomplished scientist based in San Diego, United States. Previously, he held the position of Assistant Professor at the Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies. Binley earned his Ph.D. from The Scripps Research Institute, where he conducted groundbreaking research in his field.

James Binley Current Workplace

San Diego Biomedical Research Institute was incorporated as a nonprofit public benefit corporation under the laws of California on July 29, 2013 and commenced operations in April 2014. The SDBRI mission is to find new ways to predict and prevent cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease, neurological disorders and HIV infection, including HIV vaccine design, and to accelerate medical advances that maintain health and improve quality of life. SDBRI is located in San Diego.

James Binley Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Ph. D. - ImmunologyHIV

The Scripps Research Institute

Ph. D.

University of Sheffield , England

Ph. D. - Molecular Biology and Immunology

University of Sheffield , UK

Org Chart - San Diego Biomedical Research Institute

James Binley


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding James Binley

What company does James Binley work for?
James Binley works for San Diego Biomedical Research Institute as Professor
What is James Binley’s role in San Diego Biomedical Research Institute?
James Binley’s role in San Diego Biomedical Research Institute is Professor
What is James Binley’s email address?
James Binley’s email address is j***@sdbri.org
What is James Binley’s business email address?
James Binley’s business email address is j***@sdbri.org
What is James Binley’s direct phone number?
James Binley’s direct phone number is (858) ***-****
What is James Binley’s work phone number?
James Binley’s headquarters phone number is (858) 200-7156
What is James Binley’s latest job experience?
James Binley’s latest job experience is Assistant Professor at Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies
What is James Binley’s latest education?
James Binley’s latest education in Ph. D. - ImmunologyHIV at The Scripps Research Institute
Which industry does James Binley work in?
James Binley works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are James Binley’s peers at other companies?
James Binley’s peers at other companies are Andrey Konevega, Taegyun Kang, Jegatheswaran Ratnasingam, Fernando Scaglia, Abdelmageed Othman.
Who are James Binley’s colleagues?
Some of James Binley’s colleagues are Christine Auciello, Wael ElShamy, Charles Murin, Sagarika Chakrabarty.
How can I contact James Binley?
James Binley contact details: Email address: j***@sdbri.org Phone number: (858) ***-****
Who is James Binley?

James Binley, Professor at the San Diego Biomedical Research Institute, is an accomplished scientist based in San Diego, United States. Previously, he held the position of Assistant Professor at the Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies. Binley earned his Ph.D. from The Scripps Research Institute, where he conducted groundbreaking research i... n his field.

Where is James Binley based?
James Binley works for San Diego Biomedical Research Institute, located at United States