
Jake Posner

Accounting and Financial Operations at Stord

Jake Posner Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Jake Posner Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jake Posner Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jake Posner

Jake Posner is an Accounting and Financial Operations at Stord based in Atlanta, Georgia. Previously, Jake was a Finance and Accounting at Stord and also held positions at Audience, Latch, KPMG US. Jake received a Master of Accounting degree from University of Miami School of Business Administration.Explore more

Jake Posner Current Workplace


2024-present (1 year)

Stord is a leading provider of supply chain services and technologyincluding warehousing, transportation, and fulfillment, complemented by OMS and WMS softwarefor high-volume, omnichannel mid-market and enterprise brands. With Stord, brands can offer customers an exceptional delivery experience at scale while selling more cost-effectively, efficiently, and without headache. Hundreds of DTC and B2B companies like Athletic Greens, Native, Tula, American Giant, Branded, and Thrasio use Stord to make their supply chains a competitive advantage. Led by former operators from Amazon, XPO, and Manhattan Associates, Stord is headquartered in Atlanta and backed by leading investors, including Kleiner Perkins, BOND, Franklin Templeton, Founders Fund, Lux Capital, D1 Capital, Salesforce Ventures, Susa Ventures, and Lineage Logistics.

Jake Posner Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Finance and Accounting



Director, Accounting



Chief Financial Officer



Director, Revenue





Master of Accounting

University of Miami School of Business Administration

Org Chart - Stord


Accounting and Financial Operations




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jake Posner

What company does Jake Posner work for?
Jake Posner works for Stord as Accounting and Financial Operations
What is Jake Posner’s role in Stord?
Jake Posner’s role in Stord is Accounting and Financial Operations
What is Jake Posner’s email address?
Jake Posner’s email address is j***@stord.com
What is Jake Posner’s business email address?
Jake Posner’s business email address is j***@stord.com
What is Jake Posner’s direct phone number?
Jake Posner’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jake Posner’s work phone number?
Jake Posner’s headquarters phone number is (833) 700-2025
What is Jake Posner’s latest job experience?
Jake Posner’s latest job experience is Finance and Accounting at Stord
What is Jake Posner’s latest education?
Jake Posner’s latest education in Master of Accounting at University of Miami School of Business Administration
Which industry does Jake Posner work in?
Jake Posner works in the industry of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Jake Posner’s peers at other companies?
Jake Posner’s peers at other companies are Allison Spink, Dan Edwards, Drew Schmidt, D'Andre Anderson, Sharon Caldwell.
Who are Jake Posner’s colleagues?
Some of Jake Posner’s colleagues are Claire Reynolds, Zachary Iskender, Seungjin Kim, Rohan Patel.
How can I contact Jake Posner?
Jake Posner contact details: Email address: j***@stord.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jake Posner?

Jake Posner is an Accounting and Financial Operations at Stord based in Atlanta, Georgia. Previously, Jake was a Finance and Accounting at Stord and also held positions at Audience, Latch, KPMG US. Jake received a Master of Accounting degree from University of Miami School of Business Administration.... Read More

Where is Jake Posner based?
Jake Posner works for Stord, located at United States
See more information about Jake Posner

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