
Jake Cipolletti

Manager, Insurance at Insurance Specialties

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(417) ***-****

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About Jake Cipolletti

Jake Cipolletti is a Manager, Insurance at Insurance Specialties based in Purdy, Missouri.Explore more

Jake Cipolletti Current Workplace

Insurance Specialties

2016-present (9 years)

Insurance Specialties is a full line Life and Health Marketing organization whose focus is to provide Independent Agents with access to Top-Line companies and products. Our experienced staff of Field Underwriters, Product Specialists and Agent Service Representatives are committed to provide "hands on support" to help remove the anxiety and pain of writing life and health insurance. Our staff works with agents by pre-screening cases, assisting with quotes, and keeping agents informed of developments as applications move through the underwriting process. Quotes, forms, brochures, supporting information, and documents are available to agents in convenient ways, including our web site and traditional fax-on-demand service. Once a sale is made and submitted to our office, Insurance Specialities processes the application and orders necessary exams. In order to expedite the completion of any outstanding requirements, we coordinate and follow up with the appropriate company's New Business andSee more

Org Chart - Insurance Specialties


Manager, Insurance




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jake Cipolletti

What company does Jake Cipolletti work for?
Jake Cipolletti works for Insurance Specialties as Manager, Insurance
What is Jake Cipolletti’s role in Insurance Specialties?
Jake Cipolletti’s role in Insurance Specialties is Manager, Insurance
What is Jake Cipolletti’s email address?
Jake Cipolletti’s email address is j***@insspecial.com
What is Jake Cipolletti’s business email address?
Jake Cipolletti’s business email address is j***@insspecial.com
What is Jake Cipolletti’s direct phone number?
Jake Cipolletti’s direct phone number is (417) ***-****
What is Jake Cipolletti’s work phone number?
Jake Cipolletti’s headquarters phone number is (800) 789-0182
Which industry does Jake Cipolletti work in?
Jake Cipolletti works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Jake Cipolletti’s peers at other companies?
Jake Cipolletti’s peers at other companies are Anil Verma, Adekunle Adebola, Edward Simms, Heather Fox, Mazlinda Mohzan.
Who are Jake Cipolletti’s colleagues?
Some of Jake Cipolletti’s colleagues are Braden Bowman, Shelli Young, MaryAnn Fine, Anthony Haney.
How can I contact Jake Cipolletti?
Jake Cipolletti contact details: Email address: j***@insspecial.com Phone number: (417) ***-****
Who is Jake Cipolletti?

Jake Cipolletti is a Manager, Insurance at Insurance Specialties based in Purdy, Missouri.... Read More

Where is Jake Cipolletti based?
Jake Cipolletti works for Insurance Specialties, located at United States
See more information about Jake Cipolletti

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